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Leorio POV

I sat in the car waiting with my arms crossed. Why did he make me wait to see him? I've seen him in that outfit before.

I tapped my foot on the floorboard. It was quite a drive to get to the place I was taking him too and I didn't have too much time to waste.

It was a nice restaurant overlooking the bay, we had a table outside with lights and flowers. It's very pricey but it was all worth it for Kurapika. Nice places mean nice outfits, I was dressed in a black slacks with a white undershirt with buttons. I had an sports jacket on over it which was a navy blue. In the pocket of the sports jacket a red flower was sticking out.

"C'mon Kurapika!" I was ready to honk the car horn when I saw-

The most beautiful person walk outside.


It was an angel.

I toppled out of the car and stood in awe of the man before me. His blonde hair was nearly curled just light enough at the ends so his pink cheeks could be seen better. His legs were shiny in the sunlight and his toes and fingernails were neatly trimmed and painted. His lips were glossy and plump, I was having a hard time not kissing them at that very moment.

"How do I look?" He looked up nervously, playing with his phone in his hands.

"I- I have no words. You're so b-beautiful~" I walked towards him and wrapped my hands around his waist, kissing the top of his head. He smelled so nice.

"We gotta go or we are going to be late right?" He squirmed out of my hold and ran to the passenger seat of the car. I watched as he ran, his shorts bounced as he ran showing off his butt. I couldn't help but grin at how cute he was.

"Yea yea I know, we are going!" I hopped into the front seat and started the car. He stared out the window, watching all the cars go by. I nearly hit one just watching him.

After fifteen minutes of driving and talking, I sneakily placed my hand on his thigh. I could feel him flinch underneath me as he felt my hand but soon he loosened up.

"It's not safe to drive with one hand." He crossed his arms and starred at me, most likely trying to act tough to disguise that fact that he was shaking.

"You see Pika, I'm a pro at this." I winked, passing a car. He held onto the door for support. His shaking increased, it wasn't hard to tell he was very nervous.

"There isn't anything to be scared of..I can move my hand if you want me too.."

"No! No please don't! I just- I've never been on a date before." He looked down. I smiled and rubbed his thigh with my thumb.

"That's ok! Believe me I haven't been on many myself. It's nothing to be scared of!" I looked over at him and grinned. He gave a curt nod with a small smile in return.

After a while we finally arrived at the place, his jaw dropping when he saw the overlooking bay.

"This is expensive isn't it..." He looked up at me scowling. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's worth it." I placed my hand on his back and guided his pretty self inside.

"Reservations for Mister Paladiknight." I showed the hostess my phone and she smiled, grabbing two regular menus and an alcohol menu.

"Right this way gentlemen!"

Kurapika grinned at the fact she could tell he was a man.

We sat down on the patio overlooking the water. String lights hung over both of us and hardly anyone else was outside. Kurapika's big eyes wandered curiously, taking in every inch of scenery.

"It's pretty here." He smiled, breathing in the salty air from the water.

"Just wait till it gets dark, that's when it'll really be pretty." I rested my chin on my hand, watching him look around. This must've been the first official break he had had in a long time.

"I don't know what to order." His eyes scanned the very extensive menu, "I don't even eat half of this stuff, let alone know what it is!" His cheeks reddened the more flustered he grew, it was beyond adorable.

"Would you like to share something with me?" I rubbed his leg with mine from under the table, his confused look softened into a warm smile as he nodded.

After a ton of goo-goo eye starting contests, we eventually received our food. Kurapika and I shared a Cesar salad, which he was convinced that it was spelled "Sees her", along with a baked salmon with a tangy glaze. Kurapika insisted on something with fish, even though salmon was a freshwater creature and we were by the ocean.

"I don't think I could ever eat again." He leaned his head back and sighed. I smiled at how the curls bounced around his face as he did.

"Well then we better get going. It's getting dark and I still have one more thing left for you." I waved at the waiter for the check. Kurapika sat up and raised a brow.

"Please tell me you're not spending more money." He crossed his arms disapprovingly.

"Nonsense! And even if I was it wouldn't matter, the important thing is is that you're happy." I paid for the food and stood up, holding out my hand for Kurapika. He rolled his eyes and took it, letting me guide him out of the restaurant.

Despite us being two gay men, nobody stopped to stare or have any harsh words. Society truly is redeemable.

We made it to the car, it was around seven or so and the sun was beginning to set. Kurapika sat in silence with his eyes closed, the food coma setting in. Again I placed my hand on his thigh, making small and gentle strokes with my thumb. He didn't flinch or tense up this time either.

We made small talk but mostly just enjoyed each other's company as he slipped off into a sleepy state. Sadly I couldn't actually let him sleep.

"Kurapika...open your eyes." I whispered after parking the car. He groggily looked out the window to see where we are.

"Y-your apartment?"

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