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Author note: Italics will be when bill's voice gets deep and demonic. Just keep that in mind when you see stuff typed in italics

(Bill pov) 

My laughter fills the sky as I listen to the sounds of terror and fear from the pitiful humans run in terror from my creatures such as the eyebats and weirdness waves. "Oh man this is too good. It may have taken thousands of years for this to happen but I am now glad to have waited because this is totally worth it. Now just how to make this moment more enjoyable..." I ponder before snapping my fingers with an idea "I've got it!" My body becomes engulfed in blue flames and when the flames finally dimminish I'm now standing in my human form. "Fuck yes it is good to be back bitches!" I yell, my henchmainiacs cheering me on as I smile deviously. I sudden hear an explosion come from directly behind me, my hat falling off my head. I pick up my hat noticing a hole has been blown into it. I snap my fingers fixing it and look towards a bell tower where the blast had come from. "Well, well, well, and here I thought my day couldn't get any  BETTER." I do a finger gun at the bell tower watching as it gets blasted to pieces. I float over to it seeing Stanford bruised and cut up but still alive just stuck under some rubble. "Good old six-fingers. I've been waiting an Eternity to have a chat face to face." Raising my hand up I have Ford float up a red aura kind of surrounding him in the process as I show him off to the henchmainiacs. "Everyone, this armageddon wouldn't be possible without help from our friend here. Give him a six-fingered hand!This brainiac is the one who built the portal in the first place! Now don't look so sour, Fordsy. It's not too late to join me. With that extra finger, you'd fit right in with my freaks."

"I'll die before I join you! I know your weakness, Bill!" Ford yells as he glares hatefully at me. Give me a fucking break old man I think as I roll my eyes. I know what he's talking about but there's no way he'd be able to gather everyone needed for the zodiac circle to work. Especially not with what I have planned for him and his family.

"Alright well too bad you get to miss out on all the fun." I snap my fingers turning him into a gold statue. Me and all of my henchmainiacs cackle in laughter because the way he froze when I turned him gold he can now be used as a back scratcher.

"That's enough!" I turn hearing someone and what do you know that it would be Pinetree. I didn't even realize he was here. Probably was in the bell tower with Sixer since he's pretty bruised up and has a nasty cut on his leg so he's limping obviously. "Hand over my uncle or else!" He holds up the third journal like the book itself would defeat me.

"Now isn't. This. INTERESTING." I float myself down right in front of him causing him to have to take a step back away from me. "My old puppet is back for an encore. You think you can stop me? Go ahead Pinetree, show me what you've got."

I watch as he frantically flips through pages of the journal shining a black light on them. " I...uh... I... uh..."

"I UM I. Do it, kid. Do some brilliant thing that takes me down right now. Whattdya got, Pine Tree, everyone's waiting. DO IT!"

He shuts the book launching a punch at my face. I catch his hand and using my powers I blast him a bit aways him hitting his head on a rock it making him groan in pain. I make all of his journals float in the air and have them all combust into flames. "That's right. Don't be a hero kid, this is what happens to heroes in my world."

I turn to leave with the others when I hear a weak "W-Wait...I-I...I-I'll make a deal...." I look over at pinetree and notice he seemed to be struggling to remain concious. Guess the hit to the head was worse than I expected. I walk over to him kneeling down to him and hold his chin in my hand so he has to look up at me. "And what do you have that I could possibly want?"

" can have me....just leave my family alone and don't hurt them please." His eyes seem to be silently begging me. I let go of his chin running a hand over my face as I think about this. I don't really have a reason to need Pinetree around. But on the other hand I could come up with some ways to enjoy myself around him and this will keep him and his family from trying to destroy me for the time being anyway.

"Alright you have a deal." I hold out my hand blue flames engulfing my hand. He shakes my hand sealing the deal. I pull him to his feet and snap my fingers blue chains appearing around his body to keep him from trying to escape and a cloth tied around his mouth so I won't have to deal with any complaints from him for now. I snap my fingers again Shooting Star released from her bubble just unconcious a few streets down and Sixer no longer gold. I snap my fingers again to make him pass out as well though so I won't have to put up with any of his bullshit either. "There. You're sister and Sixer are freed and my henchmainiacs are not allowed to cause your family any harm. Now time for us to get going." I grab him around the waits and levitate into the air towards the fearamid since it was right above us. I feel his body trembling guessing he was crying but this made him hard to hold onto. I sigh putting a hand to his forehead making him pass out as well. "Trust me Pinetree you'll just want to sleep this off."

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