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(dipper pov)

I slowly wake up and feel pain spready throughout my body everywhere. I look around realizing this isn't my room. My room is mostly blue and white but this room is black and yellow and it's bigger. I glance over and see Bill in front of a mirror attatched to a closet door and see him tying his bowtie. I try to get up but can't, realizing my hands are tied behind my back. "Glad to see you finally awake Pinetree." I look up seeing him walk towards me. "Now I am going to ask you something and I don't want any lies or I will punish you. Did you try to use Tad to escape last night." I shake my head no. "Words Pinetree."

"No, I didn't. I don't know how he got your key but I didn't tell him to get it."

"Then why was he in your room?"

"I was sleeping and felt someone petting my hair. At first I thought it was you but then he started humming and I realized it didn't sound like you at all. I woke up unable to see anything because it was dark so I turned my lamp on and saw him sitting on my bed staring at me. I went to yell for help but he put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't say anything. Whenever I would try to make him let go he would cut my cheek with a knife. I bit him and yelled for you but then he punched me and covered my mouth again and that's when you came in."

He's silent for a few minutes before talking again. "I'm going to take you somewhere to do something that should make it so the other henchmaniacs and monsters leave you alone from now on but it's going to hurt a lot for you." I just weakly nod my head in understanding as he grabs my arm pulling me to my feet and walks me out of his room and down the maze of different halls and down many stairs finally coming into the room where he tortured me last night, my eyes widening in fear. "No I'm not going to torture you or punish you but like I said it will hurt." He unties the ropes around my wrists and has me lay down on my stomach on a cold metal table and I feel him tighten straps on my wrists, ankles, and waist.

"Bill can you please tell me what is going on? What are you going to do to me?" I ask feeling more worried as he ties a blindfold around my eyes.

"I can't tell you it would ruin the surprise. Now open your mouth." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice so I keep my mouth closed. "I said open your damn mouth Pinetree." I hear his voice get demonic but I keep my mouth shut and shakes my head no. I feel him grab my hair lifting my head off the table. "When I tell you to do something you fucking do it!" He slams my face down onto the table making me cry out in pain and I feel him use the opportunity to shove a gag in my mouth and ties it around my head. I feel some kind of warm liquid coming down my face from my nose, guessing it was blood. I hear him walk behind me and I feel an immense pain in my back making me scream in pain it muffled from the gag. I struggle as the gag muffles my screams, tears leaking from under the blindfold. I don't know how long the pain goes on but I am more than relieved when it stops and he unstraps me. I feel him bind my wrists in rope again and put me over his shoulder carrying me somewhere. I'm about to pass out from pain when Bill stops walking and I hear a voice that makes my blood run cold.

"Well well look what we have here. Having fun with your little toy Bill?"

"Tad. Get your ass out of the fucking way."

"Or what."

"I will make you pay for being in his room last night. Now move it."

"He was asking for me to be in there and he would love a real man to dominate over him."

"Fuck off piss face before I end you for good." I feel Bill walking again and eventually he lays me on a bed and takes the blindfold off of me as I realize we're in his room again. He unties my hands and walks towards his door. "You're going to stay in my room when you sleep from now on. I'm getting stuff from your olf room so stay here." He walks out slamming the door shut on his way out. I manage to get up and walk to the mirror on the closet door. I turn so my back is to the mirror and look over my shoulder to see what Bill did to me and I gasp in horror. He carved his triangle form into my back and it was still bleeding, that bastard. "Now that isn't very nice." I jump in surprise seeing Bill right in front of me.

"I-I-I...." I look away only for him to grab my chin and force me to look up at him.

"Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you like a good pet." He growls at me. "From now on when I go somewhere outside of the fearamid you will be chained and locked in here with magic. If I go somewhere in the fearamid then you will be by my side at all times no matter what. If you disobey me I will give you such a punishment that you will be begging me for the mercy of death. Is that understood?"

"Y-yes Bill." I am so so very fucked and dead.

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