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(Dipper pov)

I wake up my body really sore and aching. I see Bill gone but no chains on me so that means he's probably somewhere in the fearamid. I sit up groaning in pain and see my usual outfit folded neatly at the end of the bed. I stand up and get dressed into the clothes and pull on my socks and sneakers. I walk up to the mirror on his closet door and try to fix my hair but it still just looks like a brown mop on my head. I notice something in the reflection glowing and realize it's my arm. I look down at my arm seeing the tattoo Bill forced on me is glowing yellow. "What the fuck?" I suddenly feel immense pain in my arm making me hold my arm crying out in pain. I look up at the mirror and see my eyes are glowing, the yellow glow making my brown eyes seem almost orange. "What the-" I get cut off feeling more pain in my arm making me hold my arm falling to my knees screaming in pain. But weirdly enough as soon as the pain started it just suddenly stops. I look at my arm tracing the tattoo. What the hell just fucking happened?

"Interesting, very interesting." I turn around and see Tad standing there with a smug expression on his face.

"W-why are you here? You shouldn't be here Bill will kill you."

"No he won't, I made sure of it."

"What do you mean? What did you do?"

"You'll see." He grabs the back of my hoodie pulling me out the door forcing me to my feet so I don't get dragged.

"H-Hey! Where are you taking me!"

"Shut up you fucking brat."

"No just let me the fuck go you asswipe!"

He stops walking turning to me and slaps me hard enough across the face to knock me to the ground my cheek stinging in pain and I can imagine it's probably red from the slap. "I said shut up so stop talking before I make you wish I had killed you." He grabs the back of my jacket pulling me up again forcing me to walk. He takes me down some stairs into a dungeon passing by various empty cells until we come upon the only one not empty.

My eyes widen seeing Bill in the cell his head hanging down his hands chained to the ceiling his feet barely able to touch the ground and I see blood dripping down his arm. "Bill!" I go to the cell gripping the bars tightly. I see his head slowly lifts up and look up towards me his eyes looking completely dead inside.

"Pinetree?" He snarls seeing Tad standing behind me. "Tad! Don't you fucking touch him you sick fuck!"

"Oh, you mean like this?" I hear the smirk in his voice as he grabs me by the arms pulling me away from the bars as I struggle.

"Let him go! Get off of him you bastard!" Bill yells as he struggles against the chains around his wrists.

"Now Bill you should behave or else. Same goes for you Dipper." I shiver a bit as he says my name. "Now lets try a little experiment." He raises his hand purple flames encasing his hand in purple flames and I see boils spreading on Bill's arm making him scream in pain. Seein something glowing I look down at my arm seeing the tattoo glowing again and it feels like an unspeakable amount of pain on my arm making me scream in pain as Tad keeps me pulled away from the cell, tears of pain flowing down my cheeks. The flames on Tad's hand goes out and the pain goes away as the glowing stops. "Just as I thought, you two are bonded to one another."

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask then look over at Bill, signs of pain evident on his face. "Bill what is he talking about?"

"Pinetree I.....I swear I can explain-" He gets cut off my Tad's loud laughter behind me.

"Oh man, you didn't tell him? Well Dipper Pines, that tattoo on your arm bonds you to Bill Cipher. A demon bonds to others by marking their summoning circle on someone's skin. Most cases it's other demons, it makes the other person immortal and feel the demon's pain. And by the looks of it he did it without your knowing."

"Pinetree I was going to tell you I swear, I was just waiting for the right time."

"Enough chit chat you two, me and Dipper have some buisness to get to now that you are out of the way." Holding my arms he pulls me away despite all my struggling trying to get away from him.

"Don't you fucking touch him! Bring him back here!" Bill yells as Tad half drags me out of there and back through the halls of the fearamid.

"Get your hands off of me you prick! Let me go!"

"Shut up and stop struggling."

"What are you going to do with me?" I look up at him as I still struggle.

"Easy. Now that I managed to defeat Bill, I am now going to be ruler of this dimension. King, if you would like to call it. And every king needs his queen to be by his side and obey his every command no matter what." He looks down at me with a smug smirk.

"No no no! I will never be your wife you sick bastard!" I struggle harder as Tad pulls me into a room, it being my old room.

"That is fucking it." He turns me around to face him and punches me in the face it knocking me to the ground and proceeds to kick me in the stomach several times before stopping. I curl up in pain my lip split open and bleeding along with probably having a few broken ribs. "We are getting married and you will become my queen you fucking bitch now come on." He pulls me up pulling me out of the room to the enterance of the fearamid. He snaps his fingers and we are on the ground, the same place where I had originally made the deal with Bill. I look and see a podium with a book on it, the book being bound in some kind of weird leather. "It's the devil's book, two people sign it and they are together until the more dominant partner dies. It's the demon's version of marriage." He snaps his fingers again and I look down seeing that he made me wear the outfit I wore when I made the deal with Bill, my hat on my head as well. He takes a knife out of his pocket allowing the blood to drip on the book. He picks up a quill next to the  book and using the blood as ink he signs his name then holds his hand out to me. "Let me see your hand. I will spill the blood and sign your name for you." I shake my head no trying to back away but he holds my arm tightly his nails digging into my skin holding me in place. "Just fucking cooperate you fucking brat!" He snarls at me as I struggle trying to make him let go.

"Let me go! I don't want to be with you just let me go!"

"Get your fucking hands off of my Pinetree, Tad." Tad and I both look over seeing a bloody and bruised Bill standing a few feet away, holding what looks like a head.

"How the hell did you get out!?" Tad growls at him Still holding my arm tightly.

Bill tosses the head towards us, it rolling to a stop at our feet. "I simply killed the demon you convinced to imprison me. Now let him go." Tad pulls me close to his chest using one arm to keep me in place while the other hand holds a knife to my throat.

"If you want him back Billy boy, you're going to have to kill me to do that. Sadly we both know that there is no way in other world you can do that, although I would very much like to see you fucking try."

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