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(dipper pov)

It's been a few days since Bill did that to me. He still comes in here to give me food everyday but he doesn't do much besides caress my cheek, his touch making me flinch evertime. I don't understand why he did it. What does he gain from doing that to me? Is it a new form of punishment? All I know is that it really messed me up. My hips and back were hurting so much the day after he did it that I couldn't even get out of bed. The pain is better now but it still aches sometimes. I now sit on my bed sketching in a sketchbook that Bill had left for me when I woke up this morning. I had already read all of the books he left so I've started becoming really bored when I'm not being terrified of Bill constantly. I look at my drawing realizing that I had drawn a perfect sketch of Mabel hugging Waddles. I've seen her hug that pig so many times that the image must've gotten engraved into my memory. I feel tears sting my eyes as I hug the skechbook to my chest. I just miss her so much that it hurts. I close my eyes tightly as tears silently fall down my face. "I miss you Mabel."

I feel the sketchbook yanked out of my hands causing me to open my eyes seeing Bill holding my sketchbook and looking through my drawings. "So this is how you spend your free time when I'm not here? Drawing your pathetic sister? There's no point if you already know what she looks like."

I quickly try to wipe my tears onto me sleeve hoping he didn't see me crying. "I-I just miss her is all....."

"Well forget about her and the rest of them. They aren't worth it." He tosses my sketchbook into the corner of the room. He then gets close to my facepinning my wrists above my head with one hand, his other hand caressing my face causing me to flinch. "Easy Sapling. You'll enjoy this just like last time."

"S-Sapling?" I stutter out in fear and confusion.

"Yes because you are my Pinetree and you are young. Therefore sapling." He leans closer and I feel his hot breathe on my neck until there's frantic loud knocks on the door. Growling he lets go of me and flings the door open revealing the one he calls keyhole standing there trembling in fear seeing Bill mad. "What the fuck could be so important?!" He growls at keyhole.

"Th-There is an issue with the prisoners in the dungeon. They a-all somehow got out of their cells and are now rioting."

I see Bill clench his fists angrily before he looks over his shoulder at me. "Stay put Pinetree." He follows keyhole out slamming the door shut in the process.

I stand up picking up my sketchbook and walk around the room becoming bored again. Bill will be back as soon as he's done dealing with thosee prisoners and who knows what he'll do to me when he comes back. I walk to the door fiddling with the doorknob when I realize he didn't lock it! He must've been in a big hurry and forgotten to lock it. Now is my chance to get out of here and back to my family.

I open the door and peek out making sure the coast is clear. Seeing no henchmainiacs or any of Bill's minions I run down the hallway, running down the twist and turns coming to dead end after dead end. I stop coming to another dead end, angrily hitting my palm against the wall. "Goddammit! Where is the exit out of this fucking crazy hell hole?"

"Well well what do we have here?" I hear a female voice behind me. I turn and see a pink demon with one eye and horns. I think she's the one that Bill calls Pyronica. "The new little pet wandering around like a lost puppy, how adorable." She mocks me with a big ass smirk on her stupid pink face. She snaps her fingers and points to the floor in front of her. "Come here and sit at my feet pet."

"No way in fucking hell!" I yell at her, her face scowling in anger. She snaps her fingers and pink chains wrap around my neck lifting me off the floor choking me as I grab at the chain struggling for air kicking my legs uselessly as she stands there laughing.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" She stops laughing and turns around seeing Bill, his visisble eye hair and clothes red with anger. "Oh Bill. I was just teaching our new pet some manners. Noth-" She starts to say before he cuts her off.

"He's not our pet, he's mine! Pinetree fucking belongs to me so put him down before I fucking tear out your insides and use them as halloween decorations!" He yells at her his fists clenching in anger. She snaps her fingers the chain disappearing dropping me to the floor coughing and gasping for air. Pyronica leaves as Bill walks up to me and offers me a hand up his color having returned to normal. "Are you alright Pinetree?"

I hesitantly accept the help up. "I'm fine."

"Good." His hand suddenly goes around my throat slamming me against the wall strangling me as I grab his wrist trying to make him let go. "Because I am going to fucking kill you! I told you to not leave your room! That was one of the rules and you fucking broke it you worthless cunt!"

"B-Billl....please....." I choke out. He lets go of my throat and slaps me hard across the face it knocking me to the ground, my whole right cheek flaring in pain.

"You will fucking learn to not disobey me one way or another Pinetree." He grabs the collar of my jacket as I kick and struggle begging him to let me go. He drags me to a room with a couch, a piano and a fireplace. He forces me to stand up and pushes me against the couch his cane appearing in his hands. "Jacket and shirt off. Right now." I strip out of my jacket and shirt not wanting to make him any more mad. He makes me face the couch and has me lean over the back of it.

"Bill please I p-promise it won't happen again just please don't hurt me." I beg tears filling my eyes. I fill him strike down on my back with his cane causing me to scream out in pain. With each hit he shouts at me.

"You fucking cunt!''


"Worthless piece of shit!"


"I should've killed you back in Stan's mindscape!"


This continues for what seems like hours, having lost all feeling in my back except for feeling blood drip onto the floor. "Go to your room right now."

"Y-yes sir....." I walk to the door but before I can walk out it I feel my vision go dark as I fall to the floor passing out.

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