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(Dipper pov)

Fuck fuck fuck what have I done?! Making a deal with Bill, have I lost my fucking mind?! I-I didn't know what else to do. It was all I could think of to keep everyone safe but knowing Bill he'll probably kill me the first chance he gets. I feel something gently hitting my cheek as my eyes open slowly having to adjust to the light. "Well about times Pinetree." I look up at Bill realizing he was sitting on my waist and had gently been hitting my cheeks to wake me up. I try to move only realizing I was on a bed and my hands were chained above my head on the headboard. I try to say something but I still had the cloth wrapped around my mouth muffling my words. I look up at Bill with a terrified expression. "Relax kid. It's just temporary so I know you won't pull some stunt to try to escape or try to kill me or something dumb like that." He reaches a hand towards me causing me to flinch and whimper in fear him giving me a confused look again. He reaches for me again taking the hat off of my head looking over it. "This hat of yours seems to have gone through some shit Pinetree. The edges of the brim even look burnt."

He sets the hat on the nightstand then grips me by my hair forcing my head back against the bed and a knife at my throat making me whimper in fear again. "First things first there's rules I need to establish. I will bring you water and food as needed but you are not allowed to leave this room. There's a connected bathroom and lots of books and things to keep you entertained. You are not allowed to try to escape or try to contact anyone in Gravity Falls. If I tell you to do something, you will do it no questions asked no matter what. Anytime you resist me or break my rules and I will punish you." He pushes the knife against my throat more so I can feel the cold metal it making me whimper in fear again. "Is that clear?" I give a small nod yes, relieved as he lets go of my hair pulling the knife away and gets off of me. "Good. There's fresh clothes in the closet. I'll be back with some food and water for you in 30 minutes so wash up by then and if you make a mess clean up after yourself." He unties the gag around my mouth and moves down to my leg touching the area around the cut on his making me wince in pain. "Hm. Seems like that's quiet painful. Was that from me blasting that bell tower you were in?" He looks back at me as I give him a small nod yes, too afraid to speak.  He goes to the bathroom and returns with a first aid kit. I wince as he cleans the cut on my leg. He bandages it then goes to clean the cuts on my face me flinching back again. "Calm down. If your injuries get infected you'll get sick." He cleans the cuts on my face and puts small band aids on them. He then snaps his fingers unchaining my hands and walks out of the room, the door locking behind him.

I sit up my body shaking terrified of what he meant by punishing me. I should do my best to obey him for now. I stand up going to the closet, finding an orange shirt, jeans, and a light blue jacket. I go to the bathroom starting the shower and strip out of my clothes and step in letting the hot water run over me. A few minutes later I turn the water stepping out and dry myself off with a towel and get dressed into the new clothes leaving the dirty ones on the floor. "I still have time I can put them in the hamper in a sec." I lay back on the bed figuring I can take a short nap and this bed is so freaking comfortable. It felt like only a few minutes but I suddenly feel someone grab my arm and throw me painfully against the wall as my eyes shoot open revealing Bill looking very pissed off. "B-Bill I-"

"Shut up just shut the fuck up!" He presses his cane against my throat making it hard for me to breath as I struggle for air. "I gave you one job. One simple fucking job and you think you can just ignore me just because I bandaged you and didn't kill you back there? Think again!" He throws me to the ground and proceeds to kick and punch me everywhere while yelling at me as I cry out and scream in pain trying to shield myself from his hits. "One fucking job! I give you one fucking job and you fuck it up you worthless shit!" After a few minutes he stops and angrily walks out leaving me laying on the floor bloody and bruised and crying in pain.

What did I get myself into? Everything hurts. I feel myself cough up blood and my eye is swollen shut. I wait a few minutes for the pain to subside before I push myself onto my hands and knees groaning in pain as I force myself to my feet. I painfully gather my dirty clothes and put them in the dirty hamper before collapsing on the bed curled up hugging my knees to my chest and crying. I didn't even mean to disobey him it was purely an accident. He wouldn't even let me try to explain. I know that he's heartless and cruel but even I didn't think he would go this far with hurting me. If he thinks I'm such a worthless shit why did he even bother making the deal with me in the first place? I cry into my knees until I cry myself to sleep.

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