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(Bill pov)

It's been a few weeks since my deal with Pinetree. There haven't been anymore incidents since the first one and I haven't figured out what to do with him yet. I go to his room everyday to give him his food and water and he's been obidient to all of my rules. But honestly I'm getting kind of bored. Nonstop parties are only fun for so long and this human form has requirments I constantly have to do to keep it alive. Like eating and sleeping. It's honestly a drag but I shouldn't complain since Pinetree has it far worse. I snap my fingers teleporting myself in front of Pinetree's door with a tray of food and some water in my hands. I unlock the door and walk in closing the door behind me with my foot. I look over at pinetree and  see him curled up asleep in bed, bruises still around his eye and on his face from the first punishment. I set the tray of food down on the nightstand and pull the blanket over his skinny body. I now admit maybe I had been a little too extreme with my punishment but lessons need to be learned by examples. I finish pulling the blanket over him when he stirs waking up, flinching upon seeing me his eyes intantly widening in fear as he hurridly sits up. "Relax kid. I only came to bring you some food so you don't starve." I set the tray of food on his lap and turn to leave.

As my hand is on the doorknob I faintly hear him speak up. "I-I d-didn't mean to...."

I look back at him confused as he just looks down at the food in his lap. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Th-The f-first day, when y-you gave me those beatings...I-I..u-uh...." I walk towards him grabbing his chin in my hand making him look up at me and gesture with my other hand for him to keep talking. "I-I didn't mean to leave my mess...I wasn't trying to disobey you. I was just so tired I-I thought I could take a quick nap for a few minutes and then pick it up b-but I accidentally fell asleep for too long...." Tears seem to sting his eyes as he stutters the words out, him seeming scared to even talk to me.

I let go of his chin and walk back to the door. "Don't worry about it. Follow my rules and you won't get hurt." I walk out locking the door behind me.

I walk through the halls trying to gather my thoughts. I've seen Ford get worse injuries and he never showed a sign of fear, so why was Pinetree so scared of me from one small beating? Did I go everboard on it? I didn't think that I did. If our deal had been different I might've strung up their intestines for halloween decorations. I just gave him some punches and kicks. Of course I also through him against the wall. And maybe choked him with my cane. Okay there's a possibility I might've gone a tad overboard. Am I supposed to apologize? I'm a creater of chaos I shouldn't have to apologize to anyone!

After a few hours of walking around by myself I head back to Pinetree's room to get the tray since I only have one tray for carrying food. I unlock the door stepping into his room seeing him on his back fast asleep again, the covers completely kicked off of him. How does someone manage that when I literally put the covers on him not that long ago? I sigh as I go to pull the covers over him again but stop noticing his shirt is partially pushed up and some bruises are visible on his stomach. I push his shirt up more seeing his torso covered in big dark bruises from punishing him. I press against one lightly and see him whimper in pain. I smirk slightly it giving me an idea finally of what to do with Pinetree. I pull the covers over him and walk out locking the door behind me.

I come back in the next day. "Oh Pinetree...." I say in a singsong voice but as I look around I realize he's nowhere to be seen. I check in the closet and bathroom but see him nowhere. I clench my fists getting angry as I look down noticing a shoelace sticking out from under the bed. Getting on me knees and looking down I see him under there facing the other way. I stand up and grab his ankles pulling him out, him screaming and clawing the floor as I do this. I pull him to his feet and shove him up against the wall. "Did you honestly think you could hide from me Pinetree?" I walk up to him my hands on either side of him so he has nowhere to go.

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