Chapter 3: Azur Lane Base Under Attack

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(Azur Lane an Naval military alliance that was form because of the Siren Attacks and these shipgirls we're Task to destroy all sirens on sight to Liberate the Seas and The Major factions were Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire and Ironblood along with the minor factions but it didn't go well the Sakura Empire and Ironblood have form an Alliance of their own know as the Red Axis compare to the Axis forces from WW2 and they got their hands on Siren technology and trying to use it against Azur Lane and there supposed to be not fighting each other and That Day on a New Construction Base was attack by The Sirens mass produce ships and Sakura Empire Carriers Akagi and Kaga enter the Fight and Javelin was in a duel against Ayanami)

Somewhere close to the base

Missouri: I see the base and it's getting hit hard and there's a giant fox too and it's trying eat that little girl

E: Looks like have to crash the party Enty

Enty: Yes Ma'am I'll beside you Mom

E: Alright Missouri sail towards the base and save the little girl pick your Targets

Missouri: Wilco let's Do this

(Missouri sails at full speed and start turning her guns to 210 and started turning her ship to Left and the guns we're pointing at the fox and it was closing in on Unicorn)

Cleveland: No don't

Missouri: All Guns Open Fire


(The fox started screaming in pain because Missouri's shells we're very powerful)

Kaga: What The who did that

Cleveland: Were did that come from

Laffey: Look over there

(In the distance the Shipgirls in the Harbor saw a Battleship and they know that those shots came from her and Missouri is about to transform into her riggings and about to bring the fight up close and personal)

(Think of this song as The USS Missouri Is Back In Action)

Missouri: Alright let's do this Missouri Engage (Starts transforming into her riggings) all right time to charge in and rescue her

(Missouri Started charging pass the Siren ships as the were firing at her but she was too fast and she started firing back at them and and Everyone we're shock that she got through and when she pass through the Siren ships the Fox was about to eat her but she slide under it and got behind the Fox and got in front of Unicorn who got hit by the Fox blue fire balls)

Missouri: Kid are you Ok

Unicorn: Yes but who are you Miss (*in pain*)

Missouri: Introductions later kid after this Battle so Stay behind me ok

(Unicorn nodded as she went behind Missouri as the Fox Turned around look at them and was ready to eat them)

Music Ends

Kaga: You really think you can protect her alone


Kaga: What's so funny

(Everyone was looking her confuse and trying to figure out why is she Laughing)

Missouri: Did you really think I came here along you Crazy white Fox

Azur Lane Animation X Next Generation Modern WarshipsWhere stories live. Discover now