Chapter 2: On The Way to The Azur Lane Base

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It's been long since Missouri and Big E Started getting to know each other better and they started sailing the seas looking for a Naval Base to stay in but the journey is a long trip and E start sending her E-2 Hawkeye for reconnaissance and nothing was found yet but she had to order it to come back

(Here a tip about recon Aircraft there are really important because they help us found enemy ships and bases and they're the only Aircraft we need to save lives)

Missouri *Mind*: I hope we can find something out here finding a Naval Base out here isn't easy but we need to be aware of our surroundings we don't know what we might run into But I hope we could continue the search

Enty: Missouri up ahead an other Aircraft Carrier

(When she was warned she see an Aircraft Carrier miles up ahead and see a woman standing on the deck)

???: Who are you two

Missouri: USS Missouri 3rd Ship of the Iowa Class Battleships

Enty: USS Enterprise CVN-80 3rd Ship of The Gerald Ford Class Aircraft Carriers and you are

???: USS Enterprise CVN-65

Enty: Mom

Enterprise CVN-65: Wait your my Daughter

Enty: Yes I was born with the same steel as you

Enterprise CVN-65: I didn't expect to have a daughter

Missouri: You do now it's a honor to me and I don't know what to call you

Big E: You can call me Big E or E if that's fine

Missouri: Ok

(During the introductions the Started sailing together to find a Naval Base and it's was good family reunion for the Two Enterprise's and after that they told Big E have she transform into her riggings and she give a shot and she surprised and see was please about it until then A voice came through their comms)

??? On Radio: This is Prince Of Wales the Azur Lane base is under Attack by the Sakura Empire requesting backup

Missouri: Did you two get That

Enty: We did what is Azur Lane and what is the Sakura Empire

Big E: I don't know but they need help now

Missouri: Well I always ready for Action again

Big E: Well let's do it

Enty: Got it Mom

Missouri: Time To Show Them Our Turn Strength Of Freedom

Big E: Alright we're off

That's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoy it let in the comments to put something better and I'll See you in the next chapter Godspeed and stay healthy

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