Chapter 19: Battle Against The Siren Fleet

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Thanks to the information from the daughter of Illustrious who manage to get to Azur Lane Base alive the Eagle Union, United States Navy, Royal Navy, British Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, JMSDF, Ironblood, German Navy,North Parliament and The Russian Navy Are on the move to take on the Sirens and the Chinese, French, and Italian Navy along with the Iris Libre,Sardegna Empire,Vichya Dominion and The Dragon Empery are being held up at the Iris Libre base and the Modern Warships in that location that meet them are doing all they can to hold the attack

Enterprise: One battle ends another begins

Royal Navy and The British Navy

Queen Elizabeth: Now this the fleet I been expecting to see

Prince Of Wales: Yes what a view and we're definitely not alone I never thought we would have a fleet this large

Prince: The Fleets from the United States Navy including Japan and other ships that train the pacific use to to come in large numbers like this one

Prince Of Wales: Really

Prince: Yes

Elizabeth: The United States Navy always put their trust in Aircraft Carriers that's why we have the best Allied to trust

Belfast: You don't say

Bel: Yes The United States always carry the will Of Freedom with them

Eagle Union and The United States Navy

Yorktown: It's feels good to enjoy the fresh air out here

Enterprise: Well it's always This way

Hornet: Yep that's right a huge battles is just up Ahead sis

Enty: I never thought the Sirens Would make a move well we're going to give it everything we at this

Ford: Well kid you are the Grey Ghosts granddaughter after all were your sisters after all were always right behind you no matter what

Kennedy: That's right sis we can always rely on Legends like Enterprise,E and you Enty

Doris: We can win this for sure

Enty: Well let's show them what we got

Ticonderoga Class Cruisers

Ticonderoga: A big battle this should be fun when we get their

Port Royal: I agree with you

Anzio: Yeah it's time to Lock and Load

Antietam: Right

Iowa Class Battleships

Iowa: We have never face a lot of ships before this looks like a change who can Destroy the most ships

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