Chapter 7: Rescue Mission

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The Sakura Empire is in pursuit on Chasing Shelfield, Edinburgh and including Akashi who saw what was Akagi and Kaga we're doing when they are the only ones who made contact with Observer and the Black Mental Cube that they capture was successful but it's not going to easy the Island was surrounded by a huge armada of siren ships and Sakura Empire ships were standing by with the Siren fleet while the Ironblood ships lead by Prinz Eugen are waiting in the ruins ready to ambush Shelfield and Edinburgh and the Island is in ruins many places to hide and good for Ambushes and Azur Lane had received a destress call from the two spies for help

Azur Lane's Rescue Fleet

Enterprise: Your calm

Belfast: Excuse me

Enterprise: Aren't you worried I thought the ones on the island Are your close companions

Belfast: Yes they are maids as well that server under the Queen

Enterprise: It's quite strange we are ships but all of this about Maids and Queens as if we're intimating

Belfast: If we we're intimating humans is that what you want to said It makes no difference people Ships there's no difference we are alive we all have heart's

Enterprise: No we we're born to fight we're not like humans

Belfast: Yes but we possess great strength which comes with great responsibilities

Enterprise: Yes but to defeat our enemies

Belfast: That won't be enough we must continue to provide proof of course

Enterprise: Proof

Belfast: No matter how difficult life becomes on this world we can live a proud noble life we must serve as a example for people who have lost their way for that we must always be elegant and the job or maid to assist achieving elegance in all aspects of life

E arrive on Enterprise's carrier

E: Mom

Enterprise: What is it

E: We're getting close to our location and the whole area of the island is full of ruins and it's not going to easy because the whole place full of Hiding places and we have to watch out because they might get the jump on our spies

Enterprise: Ok so who's is your best ships

E: Missouri, Wisconsin, Zumwalt,Kidd and My Daughter of course

Enterprise: Also about her what type of Gun does she have on her ship

E: Oh she has a Railgun and there very dangerous and they can destroy anything in one hit and it's a device that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles by using conductive rails. Two sliding or rolling contacts permit a large electric current to pass through the projectile. This current interacts with the strong magnetic fields generated by the rails, which accelerates the projectile

Belfast: So that's how powerful her gun is

E: Yes and I order Zumwalt to Attack them from behind and they won't be able to detect her when she is in stealth mode

Enterprise: Ok get ready

E: Yes Ma'am

Meanwhile with Missouri, Wisconsin

Missouri: It feels great to be back on water

Wisconsin: Yes it does and we're facing against Sakura Empire and Ironblood

Missouri: Well the Spies has some excellent Intel on why did they get their hands on Siren Technology in the first place and it seems like they have made contact with a siren and they are Humanity's ultimate enemy that want to take over everything

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