Chapter 14: Introducing The British Ships and the JMSDF Fleet Arrives

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During that time On the way to Azur Lane base Enty has been telling Elizabeth about this world and told her and Prince and Bel about how to summon their ships and then when they're done talking they arrive at the base

E: Mom their back

Enterprise: They are

E: Yes but you need to see this

Everyone went to the Docks and was surprised to see two Carriers and a Frigate

Shipgirls #1: Their ships are different than

Shipgirl #2: I never expected their could be more

And then they saw Enty and the others Arrives with new guest

Enty: Were back

Yorktown: Welcome back Enty

Enty: Good to see you again

Prince Of Wales: So who are the new Ships

Arleigh Burke: Oh their right here

Prince Of Wales: It's nice to meet you two I'm HMS Prince Of Wales so what's your names

Elizabeth: HMS Queen Elizabeth first ship of the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers

Everyone except for the Modern Warships: WWHHHHHAAAAAAAT

Hornet: So that means you are

Elizabeth: Daughter if course you can call me Elizabeth and this is my sister if you don't mind Introducing yourself

Prince: HMS Prince Of Wales Second ship of the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers nice to meet you mother

Everyone except for the modern warships screen and Prince Of Wales shock as well

Prince Of Wales: Y... your my daughter too

Prince: Yes of Course we maybe different ships but at least We share the same name and you can call me Prince

Prince Of Wales: I see then so their are more ships like you have the same name and also who's that

Bel: HMS Belfast Type 26 Class Frigate but you can call me Bel

Once again screaming what again

Z23: Even the Head Maid has one two

Laffey: If your related to her what's with the outfit

John: She's a Butler it's similar to a maid

After the Introduction of the 3 warships that came to Azur Lane Prince Of Wales was a little shock about her daughter is a Aircraft Carrier but She escorted her daughter including Elizabeth and Bel to the Royal Navy Garden and Queen Elizabeth along with Illustrious, Unicorn, Warspite, Belfast and Hood

Queen Elizabeth: Quite a lovely day

Warspite: Yes it sure does your majesty

Illustrious: Yes it's does it's a lovely day

Queen Elizabeth: Anyway Prince Of Wales Should be here

Unicorn: Oh their she and their are 3 three other people with her

They stare at the sight of Prince Of Wales and the other 3 and was surprised to see Wales and Enty was With them

Prince Of Wales: Good day your majesty how you do

Queen Elizabeth: How you do Wales and also Hello Enty and also who are they

Prince Of Wales: Well your majesty they will tell you

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