Chapter 3

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     I pass by my school and my stomach starts to do flips. I hope no one finds out what I did.

     I also pass the giant hill three blocks from the cemetery. I love this hill. The grass is forever dead and on top of it is a huge black house and a giant tree with all the leaves off. It sounds weird to like such a place, but it's like me, We don't fit in.

      To my surprise, their was a moving van next to the house. I hopped onto the metal fence to get a closer look. Two men in blue clothes were lifting a piano inside. I smiled at the thought of the house finally having an owner. 

     I grabbed on of the roses in my hand and lifted it up and let it be taken by the wind.

     I wasn't surprised to see that only a few people came to the funeral, my dad and I, Lindsey's boyfriend and a few of her friends. Throughout the whole funeral, no one spoke, except my dad who was already drunk. I fought the urge to cry. I never cried in front of anyone before besides Lindsey. I wasn't even paying attention. My thoughts were still on who killed Lindsey. I didn'y even notice that the funeral was over, until my dad left heading towards the bar and cursing about a waste of time.


     Everyone, except me, left when a heavy downpour came. "Rosetta, aren't you going home?" Lindsey's old boyfriend, Rick, asks. I shake my head," I'm going to stick around for a while. Besides, I've got a strong immune system." He sighed, "Fine but take this, i was going to give it back but i can't anymore," he said while passing me what i recognized as Lindsey's old umbrella. He hesitated but left.

     I sighed and put the umbrella down. I walked over to Lindsey's grave. "I know it was a vampire Lindsey. And you know that too." The tears that i was trying to keep in fell like the cold rain. I laughed when i thought of Sophia. "I wonder what Lindsey will do when she finds out you are gone. I still remember when we were in kindergarten she would wrap herself around her leg and wouldn't let go." How was I going to tell Sophia?

     Then I heard it. Police sirens went off and I could see the lights heading towards...

     "Lindsey, I think dad's in big trouble, the lights are headed towards the apartment!" I drop the roses in front of the grave and ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. It's a good thing I'm the fastest runner in my class, though no one knows that.

     I felt my body run into contact with something cold and hard. I'm thrown backward and into the mud. A searing pain goes through my ankle and blood starts to come out of my palms. I  get back up ignoring the pain. "I'm so sorry!" I yell. But no one is there. My eyes widened. "But someone....was just there." It had to be a person, nothing else could've blocked my path since nothing is there. I hear the sirens again and start running again towards my apartment.

     Once I'm out of the cemetery, I take the shortcut between the cemetery and my apartment. When i got there, two people were already inside. One was a man with black hair in a buzz cut and green eyes. The other one must have been his twin. She had short black hair and green eyes. They were both wearing police uniforms.

     "Ah someone finally came home, I thought we would be here all day," the man said.The womand slapped his arm. Then she turned to me. "You're Rosetta right?" I nod. "We're looking for your father."

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