Chapter Two: DJ Octavio's Breakout

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Ring ring ring!

Pearl's alarm clock rang loud and clear, and the startled Inkling shot up from bed, her yellow eyes wide in surprise.

"Stupid clock," she grumbled, pushing herself out of bed. "Wait...where's Rina?"

Then the events of yesterday evening hit her. Marina had stayed out in the night evening air, and she had not seemed very happy.

"She's still outside?!" Pearl exclaimed, rushing toward the door of the apartment. "What the heck's wrong with her? We've gotta do the Inkopolis news!"

She stormed outside, an annoyed frown on her face. She spotted the bench Marina had been on the evening before, and sure enough, there was the pretty teal Octoling, passed out, sleeping on the bench.

"Marina? Rina, wake up!" Pearl demanded briskly, shaking the arm of the dark-skinned DJ. "We've gotta get going!"

"Huh?... What?" Marina murmured sleepily. Suddenly her eyes opened, and in a minute she was on her feet.

"Pearlie!" she exclaimed in surprise, smiling at her friend. She tried her best to ignore the dark dream she had had only a few hours before...

"What are ya doing sleeping outside?! Don't tell me you passed out!"

Pearl looked mad, but Marina knew that her friend was worried about her.

"I...I'm sorry, Pearl," Marina mumbled uncertainly. "I'm really fine. It's just that..."

"That?" Pearl demanded, looking puzzled. Marina shook her head and put on her brightest smile, turning her head away briskly.

"Come on, Pearlie. We have to hurry for the Inkopolis news," she reminded Pearl. Pearl gave her a strange look and nodded reluctantly, for some reason feeling less enthusiastic.

"Okay, but after we're done with the news, you're gonna tell me what's bothering you!" Pearl told her stubbornly. And then the two best friends went off together...

"Callie, I can't tell you how relieved I am now that you're safe," Marie spoke to her cousin and her closest friend Callie as they ate lunch together at Inkopolis Square.

"I'm really glad you guys found me! Or else I would've had, you know, right?" Callie asked, shivering and biting into her crusty sandwich. Marie nodded and ate her slice of pizza in silence, savoring the taste. From where the two popstars were sitting down at inside of the restaurant, they could see the news from the window.

"Hey, y'all! It's time for the Inkopolis news!" Pearl declared, trying to sound more excited than she felt. Marie could tell something was wrong. Not only were they late, but both of them seemed to be in foul moods.

"I think something's wrong," Callie commented, staring at the TV they were on. "They don't look happy."

"I know what you mean," Marie agreed quietly, raising an eyebrow at the TV. "I wonder what happened. I guess they must be having some trouble, huh?"

"Yeah," Callie answered, taking a sip from her drink. "I hope they feel better soon!"

"Me too. It would be a shame if we had to take over the news for them," Marie told her, giving her a sarcastic half-smile. Callie grinned at her, and the two popstars finished their lunch, heading directly back to Octo Canyon, where their grandfather Cap'n Cuttlefish said he would meet them at later. But to their horror, the Cap'n wasn't there.

And neither was DJ Octavio.

"Oh, no," Marie groaned, staring dumbfounded at the once-repaired snowglobe, which was now split in two. "Oh no."

Callie felt a shiver run down her spine, and she shook with fright.

"I-is he hiding? What if he's out to get us? Marie, what if he captured Gramps?!" Callie couldn't help but panic; DJ Octavio had already squidnapped their grandfather once, and the second time he had brainwashed Callie. Now Marie went over to her cousin, trying her best to comfort her.

"Everything'll be okay," she convinced Callie. "We just need to call the agents. They'll come and help us. Four and Three are free this week."

Tears slowly filled Callie's eyes and she shook her head helplessly. "But what if..."

"Don't think about the what-ifs. We'll find DJ Octavio and put him back where he belongs," Marie declared, her tone harsh. She was angry at herself for letting the DJ escape when no one was there to watch him. And now they were all going to be in for the adventure for their lives.

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