The Second Day

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It had been two days since the League of Villains' attack on the training camp. Kuroiro, along with a few others, was knocked unconscious from a gas attack by a villain who called himself Mustard.

Tsunotori was always in and out of the room visiting Kuroiro and Komori. She was worried about them the most since she was the one who brought them back to camp.

Kuroiro lay completely still in the hospital bed.

Silence lingered in the room.

Suddenly, Kuroiro began to stir ever so slightly. He was finally waking up after two days of being unconscious.

Kuroiro's mind was foggy. He couldn't process what was going on. Why was everything so dark? Why was he so tired? The questions came faster and faster. Everything seemed so far away, but things were racing back.

A distant voice was calling his name. He couldn't quite place who it was. The voice was getting clearer, but his mind was still catching up.

He opens his eyes. Everything was blurry. Blinking a few times, he cleared his vision just enough to see someone sitting there beside him.

He could now hear and see clearly enough to recognize who was there.

"T-Tsunotori?" He asked weakly.

"Kuroiro! You're awake! Are you feeling ok?" Tsunotori asked, too fast for Kuroiro's mind to process.

"What happened?" Kuroiro asked after gaining his wits.

Tsunotori sat down in her chair.

"There was a villain with a gas quirk. You were knocked out by the gas." She responded slowly enough for Kuroiro's tired mind to understand.

"Oh..." Kuroiro said. There was a pause before he continued, fully remembering what happened. "Is Komori ok?"

"She's still unconscious but she's ok." Tsunotori answered.

Kuroiro sighed in relief. "Good."

"You should get some more rest. Ill tell the doctor you're up." Tsunotori said as she walked to the door.

Kuroiro nodded tiredly as he slipped back to sleep.

He woke up again to Tetsutetsu's arguing with Tsunotori.

"<I told you he's still asleep, Tetsutetsu!!>" Tsunotori said in a loud whisper.

'Tsunotori's speaking English. She must be mad.' Kuroiro thought as he continued to listen.

"I know but we just came for a visit!" Tetsutetsu responded loudly.

"You're being too loud, Tetsutetsu." Another voice said.

'That's Kendo.' Kuroiro thought when he heard the other voice.

"I'm not being loud!" Tetsutetsu's voice rang out once again.

"Um... a little..." Kuroiro finally called out.

Tsunotori popped he head back into the room to see Kuroiro awake from his nap.

"<Tetsutetsu i told you to be quiet!! You woke him up!>" Tsunotori scolded again.

"It's fine." Kuroiro said flatly. "What do you guys want?"

"We just came for a visit." Kendo said. "Tsunotori and the doctors told us you woke up so we came to see how you were doing."

"Been better." Kuroiro responded. "Is Komori awake yet?"

"No... Sorry." Kendo replied.

"But really! How are you man!! That gas attack was crazy wasn't it!!!" Tetsutetsu said explosively.

"Yeah it was... did they catch all the villains?" Kuroiro asked.

"No. Not all of them. They got three i think." Kendo confirmed. "They did get the one that caused the gas attack though."

"Yeah! Kendo and i knocked him out!!" Tetsutetsu said louder than before, earning him looks from both Kendo and Tsunotori.

Kuroiro stayed silent.

"Well we better leave you alone. It's almost dark outside." Kendo pointed out. "Goodnight, Kuroiro."

"Yeah! Goodnight Kuroiro!" Tetsutetsu said enthusiastically.

Kuroiro nodded in agreement and watched as Kendo and Tetsutetsu exited the room. Tsunotori was about to leave when Kuroiro grabbed her attention.

"Tsunotori." He said.

At hearing her name being called, Tsunotori turned her attention to Kuroiro.

"...Thanks." Kuroiro said a little above a whisper.

Tsunotori smiled, "You're welcome. Goodnight Kuroiro. I hope you feel better!" She said before leaving.

"Night." Kuroiro responded.

Once the others left, Kuroiro sat in silence. It didn't bother him, but his friends were on his mind. He knew he would be released late the next day, so he could finally visit them and see how they were.

"Komori is still out..." He thought, "Kendo said she's ok. She's ok."

Kuroiro reassured himself with his thoughts. He was worried for his friend, but at the same time he knew she was ok. He would go visit her the next day to make sure.

"I'll see her tomorrow." He thought as he drifted off to sleep.

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