Ultimate Moves

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"ULTIMATE MOVES!!!!!" The entire class yelled in excitement!


"Shhh!!" Kendo shushed, "You guys aren't supposed to know! Don't tell 1A either! I don't want anyone to get in trouble!"

"The only one you really gotta worry about is Monoma." Awase pointed out.

"Thank goodness he's in dreamland, huh?" Tsunotori said with a snicker.


"Yeah that's me! Anyways, we better get some sleep! We have a lot of training tomorrow!"

"You're right. Goodnight guys!" Honenuki said, yawning.


Everyone went to their rooms and crashed.

The next day, everyone finally went back to school.

Vlad King walked in to homeroom to explain the plans for the day.

"Today, you're all going to be working on ultimate moves! Change into your costumes and head to Gym Gamma."

"Yes sir!"

Once everyone was at the gym, the day's training began. Ectoplasm created clones for the students to practice with. 

Everyone was working hard! By the end of the day, all the students of Class 1B had created at least one ultimate move! Some created two in one day!

That night, everyone was tired from the day's training, but they all slept happily and full of contentment.

The next two weeks were more or less the same. The students would spend nearly all day in Gym Gamma creating and perfecting their ultimate moves.

They all knew that their Provisional Licensing Exam was coming. They all had to be ready.

Some of the students were nervous about the exam. Others were excited. But all of them were ready to finally be one step closer to being pro heroes. All but one, that is.

While the other students were excited about their future as heroes, this student was only excited to be one step closer to freedom. Closer to victory. 

But victory would only come through the defeat of the heroes.

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