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AAAAAA! Why can't I sleep?!

'What if something happens?' AAAAAA her voice kept on replaying inside my head. 'What if something happens?'

Fuck, I fanned myself while I sat on the couch. The television keeps on showing a cheap advertisement, and it flashed Yu Yan.

Is she an actress or just an endorser?

"Perfume at its finest," the television resonated.

Yu Yan's hair flow into an arousing one, while I dab my fingertip on my greasy strands. "What shampoo does she use?" I murmured. Her contact lenses pop, and the way she smile is beyond endearing... "No wonder why Yuxin's into her, so lucky." I turned off the television, and leaned my back on the couch.

My phone rings from my pocket. "Wrong timing aye!" I pulled my phone irritatedly, and brought it at my ear.

"Hello," I didn't check the caller ID, so I don't know who it was, at the moment.


"Shaking!" Her voice was so recognizable, I could know Keyin, by just her breathing and small coughs. "I have so many things to tell you!"

"Before you continue, I wanna say sorry..."

"For what?"

"I'm sorry Jiaqi! Because... I gave your phone number to Xin."

"That was nothing," I answered. "I'm Liu Yuxin's fake gf! I'm working for her now!"

"I'm also working for her, at LYX Seacost to be precise."

LYX Seacost was actually Yuxin's hotel. "We're both working for her aye!" I laughed. "You know, Xin wasn't that bad."

"True," she agreed.

"She's kinds cute, I like her a bit!" I exclaimed.

"You like her?!"

"As a friend!"

"Can you tell me what exactly are you doing for her?"

I proceeded to lie my body on the couch, letting my head fall within deep conversations. "I'm her fake gf, she's paying me ******!"

"Fuck, that's a huge amount of money."

"It's the easiest job ever!"

"Oh ttyl Kiki, Yuxin's here!"

The call hanged up, before I could even speak.

"Mail!" I stood up, and r towards the front door. I peeped at the hole, and found a mail man.

I opened the door and smiled sweetly. "Good morning!"

"A letter for Miss Xu," he handed me an envelope. "Please sign here."

I signed, "Thanks," The mailman bid his farewell salute, and I closed the door behind me.

Lover [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now