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"I'm such a fool Keyin!" I sniveled my emotions out, although the music was too loud for my monotonous complaints. "I shouldn't have fell for Kong Xueer." I lounged back, as I devour a bottle of liquor. I have consumed a lot, and it's emphasizing the total vexation of my perplexed psyche.

Keyin glances at me with her cold-darting eyes. "Move on! It's been months already," by that, she took a sip of her booze in a can; I want one as well. I made it obvious, so she handed me some cans of Onda — A sparkling tequila, it says. These are too much alcohol for a single night, but who cares? I still took the can, and drank like a thirsty gal in Sahara desert. "You have actually surpassed the 3 months rule! Go find someone else!"

"I-I love her," my glabella was in pain, prior to the fact that I was bawling my eyes out for about an hour now. I cannot imagine my life without Xueer; I want her, I need her — 5 months ago, yet I still love her.

"Kong Xueer has Yuxin already." Said Keyin, which has assaulted me in a way I cannot explain.

Yuxin — Liu Yuxin: The greatest antagonist of our love story. I can't believe Xueer ditched me for that gal. She was like Tybalt from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

What's even special about her? I don't know why girls are so into her, when all she does — was to pop her bones and make it look sexy. "She sucks," I flashed out my meh-expression, as I held an empty can of Onda. "I can have Xueer back."

"Oh so confident!" The strident speakers have boomed the dance floor. People of all kinds are in ecstasy of dawn-disco; gentlemens of bulky bodies and hot females. "Why not me? Date me, I am free." Keyin winked, and it has brought a thousand of disgust that I got goosebumps.

"Stop, you're my best friend." It made me titter for a couple of seconds, but after that; Xueer's back in my mind. I fucking love her, I fucking want her back. "I want Xueer," whispered I, "How can I get rid of that Liu Yuxin?"

"Do popping and beat her." Keyin suggested. Would girls fall for poppers? Is that what they call them? It reminds me of Pop Rocks, little candies that explode in your mouth — delish!

"I had popped Xueer's cherry for a countless times already."

"Jiaqi! You are such a pervert!"

"I'm just telling the truth."

"By the way, what time are we going home?"

"I don't wanna go home." All these people, yet I still feel alone. When you're surrounded with happy ones, it distinguishes your sadness. Home's not home without Kong Xueer. 5 months felt like I am living under a bridge, with a black river that does not flow anymore.

"We need to!" She yelled against the cacophonous conversations along with an ear-piercing music.

I stare at the middle of the dance floor, watching how strangers become erotic and sexual. The sound seems to fade, and I thought it was my imagination. The crowd has dispersed as well, so I thought I was drunk and slowly dozing off. Not until I've seen Xueer in the midst of the parted crowd, how can someone be so gorgeous?

Wait a minute... Fuck, she's with Xin. Dang, that girl is getting on my nerves. They marched perfectly, as Xueer has her right arm clung on Yuxin's; My head aches with fury, and the urge to start a fight has gotten into my head.

"Fuck you, not-so-great Liu Yuxin!" I shouted with all might, that I've captured everyone's attention. Keyin had immediately heaved my back, and shut my mouth with her hand. "Let go of me, let go of me..." I complained continuously, non-stop — like a broken radio.

Yuxin glances at me, and she smiled lopsidedly. She deliberately held Xueer's hand, so I could be jealous. It's a goddamn trap, and I ridiculously fell for it. The beat of my heart was beyond uncontrollable, I thought I'll have a cardiac arrest! I am fucking jealous, and there is no way to abide it!

My voice is inaudible, from what I could tell. "Chdueneudndje your duducndjs hand!" A few punches and kicks, and I've finally eradicated Keyin's filthy hand off of my mouth. Don't worry, she's safe and sound; haven't touched her even in one inch. "Bitch, try that again and I'll slap the fuck out of you!"

"Jiaqi you're drunk, let's just go home." Before Keyin could even pull my hand — The spotlight has already found them in the middle of the floor; pirouetting their bodies on the rhythm of the swaggy song. I can't lie, Liu Yuxin's moves were mesmerizing: soft popping, veins showing, yet I still hate her.

I made my way towards their direction. As soon as I got near them, I tap the hell out of Yuxin's shoulder. "Jerk!"

"Jiaqi, stop!" Yelled Xueer.

Liu Yuxin has kept her coolness, and I find it so intimidating... "What do you want?" She asked in an undertone manner.


Kong Xueer hides behind Yuxin. "I don't like you anymore Jiaqi!" I'm taller than her popping girlfriend, pfft.

Yuxin smirks, "Heard it?"

"Fuck you"

She raises one of her brow, and I knew there and then; I made a bad move. "Wanna fuck me?" Asked Yuxin. "Later," she smiled playfully, and that is enough to concede my match.

Someone yanked my hoodie from behind, and the next thing I knew; I was outside with Keyin.

"You're so drunk!" Said Keyin, as she pulls my hand towards my car. "We're going home whether you like it or not!"

"I'll go get Xueer," murmured I, the unbeatable Jiaqi.

"No!" Keyin pushed me inside the car, and I have stumbled my way inside. "Don't ever mess with that girl again!" She starts the engine, while I made myself comfortable in my seat.

"Whatever," it was the first time that someone made me fluster. Ironically enough, it's Yuxin. She's rather something than nothing. Pfft, I don't care; I am still determined to revoke my girl. "Why wouldn't I mess with her in the first place? Are you afraid of her? She's small, I can literally pin her under me!"

She scoffs a cool laughter. "You don't know what you're saying," The road was empty, and it has doomed on me —how I'd wrecked the old night. "Just don't mess with her please."

I gaze outside the window. I felt nauseous, as the alcohol spins around my throat. I've lost Xueer, and I can't live without her. "Whatever"

"Just do what I said." She threw a serious glare at the rearview mirror, and I've managed to caught it like it was planned. "Keep yourself out of trouble."

"Why? What's with her?"

"She's a womanizer," she's making this lil fuss a big deal.

"What's a womanizer?"

Keyin sighs. "You don't know what's a womanizer?!"


"Bitch, she sleeps with fucking women." huh? "Liu Yuxin's a casanova, she can have all the girls she wants."

"Except me," I laughed sarcastically.

"Let's see, go mess with her." I took a glimpse of her by my side, and it's like she's provoking me to do something that I'll absolutely regret.

"What's even a casanova? Is that even a word?" I uttered sardonically. "If that so – Then let the best woman win."

"May the odds be in your favor." Said Keyin, as we set ourselves somewhere I am not familiar at all.

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