Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Mich stayed until late afternoon in their room knowing that Carter would be home by five. They were still laying down in the bed and time didn't matter to both of them. Leo laughed every time Mich tells something funny and he's never tired of looking at his face and watch him all day because he makes him feel good too. He never knew that they will be like this, that they fall in love with each other because, in the first place, it seems like they are not compatible with each other and somehow, they find a way to be with each other.

"What do you see before us, Mich?" Leo asked and Mich creases his forehead. "Why did you kiss me and show your interest in me? Do you know how you make me feel crazy at that moment?"

"Why do want to know?"

Leo shrugged, "well, I just want to know, nothing big deal. And I know, there's always a reason behind every action and I want to know yours. I don't know what you see in me because you are every girl's, perfect-dream man. My cousin, Rachel had a crush on you and her friends as well. You could have the world and these pretty girls and yet you chose me. What makes me different from the others?"

Mich held his face, their eye communication means so much that they don't need to talk about it. "You're different because I love you. I can like them, yes, that's true but I can't love them the way I do to you. I don't care if I like a girl or someone, you have me now and that's what matters, okay? There's no question why I choose you because I don't think what we had is questionable upon the judgment of some people. I don't look at you because I think you're cute, I look at you because I think you're meant for me. And what do I have to say? I will die for you, even in the mission, I will just for you."

Leo hit him on his chest. "Don't say that, okay." He rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to die for me, okay? I want you to love me and that's all I care about. And I loved your answer and it made me not want to leave the country but we only have a limited time before this, we went out."

"Who says this relationship will be over?" Mich raised his brow. "Don't you still believe that we can make this work? That I will let this relationship be over just because one of us is going to leave? Don't you have a phone, you know? It might be hard to be on a long-distance relationship but I have some friends who were in the military and they miss their loved ones, I do too of course because it is hard to go when there's no assurance of going back home. When we're in the field, we're not sure if we'll be able to come back home alive and not on a body bag. It's hard you know, there's a lot of tolls to take. As we go back on service, we are putting our lives in danger but it's normal because it's our job and we took an oath of putting our service to our country and somehow dying for the sake of your country would be an honor but those people you will leave behind would be deeply hurt because they let you and then they will see you back home lifeless and it's heartbreaking. And when I'm in the service, I always prayed that I can still see my family and good to know that back from our service, we all went home..." he sighed and that took Mich some courage to tell it to Leo because he doesn't share a piece of him back in the field. He doesn't want them to know what he's been going through there, he just wants to keep it for himself.

"I'm glad you did and so we met." Leo gives him a tight hug.

"Yeah," Mich chuckles. "And I never hope for it but you came in my life."

When they got lost track of their time, Leo rushes Mich to move out because Carter might be coming home soon. Mich stumbled upon getting up as Leo pushed him out of the bed. He quickly wears his shoes and when he's done, he pulled Leo out of the bed and wrapped his arms around and lowered his head to reach for Leo's lips. They had a quick kiss before Leo pushes him out of the room.

"Leave now, Carter might be here soon!" Leo nudges him.

Mich turned around to face Leo. "I'll be seeing you next week, okay?"

Leo nodded, "yeah, of course, now go!" he demanded.

He watches Mich walks to the door and opens it. He winked at him before he left the room. He took a deep breath and let it go, it was a moment of relief for him because he doesn't want Carter to find it out. Mich can reason out something but it's not hard to guess why he's spending in the room with Leo around.

A moment later, Leo creases his forehead when he heard footsteps coming in and then he watches the door opens and his eyes widened when it was Mich. He was about to say something when Carter showed up right after. He immediately shut his mouth and turn it into a smile. He glances at Mich standing at the back of Carter, he just shrugged off his shoulder.

"You're here..." Leo muttered.

"Yup," Carter nodded. "Good thing I got to Mich as I walk upstairs." He said and Leo breathes deeply because they could be caught if Mich didn't walk out of the room before Carter came in. "What are you doing here, Mich?" Carter looks at his brother while putting down his things on his table.

"Oh, I'm just stopping by. I went to pick up something from my friend and I thought of stopping by here and then Leo said that maybe you're still at your class so I just left." Mich reasoned out. "But yeah, you're here now and you just came home from school. We'll just talk some time, I'll be heading back home now. See you next week." Mich said and he patted his shoulder's brother and then he looks at Leo. "Bye, Leo." He waved and walked out of the door.

They were both left in the room and still, Leo felt shaken.

"He's weird, you know?" Carter makes faces, and then when he roams his eyes around, Mich notices something on his Leo's study table. "Oh, you went out?" he asked, pertaining to the things that Mich bought for him. "You feel okay now?"

Leo nodded, "Yeah, I feel okay now... thanks for leaving the medicine for me."

"No problem," he smirks. "But let's be honest here, Leo."

"Huh?" Leo wondered, creasing his forehead.

"I saw it," he said.

"Huh? What did you saw, Carter?"

He sighed, "Don't lie to me—in my face anymore, Leo. I know what's the deal between you and my brother so you don't need to lie in front of me. Because I already have suspicions months ago and now seeing both of you kissed each other. I am completely shocked by what I saw. I couldn't believe you kept this as a secret and you're doing it with my brother. How could you do that, Leo"

"Uh... let me explain, I don't want to keep this as a secret from you..." Leo started to feel anxious, he doesn't know how to explain it to Carter. He didn't expect that it will turn out like this. "I didn't choose to keep it from you, I tried but I'm also keeping your brother from the risks. I don't know how to explain this, I'm terrified, Carter."

He smirks, "that's not an explanation, Leo. When every time I see you and Mich together—not that you know of, I tried to let it go because I thought you were just hanging out like friends or you needed some ride back to the apartment. But what I've seen this time was too much and you still have the guts to lie on my face."

As Carter explains, Leo remembers all the time he went out with Mich and the times that Carter almost caught them. His legs are shaking, his body is trembling. He doesn't know what to do, his out of words.

"You know what, I'll just go somewhere and think about what I just saw."

"Carter," Leo called him.

But then Carter took off leaving him alone in the room. Leo's shoulders dropped as soon as he left as he doesn't know how to reach out to him again. He picks up his phone and about to dial Mich's number but he doesn't think that it was a good idea because it as their misunderstanding and he should fix it but he doesn't know where to start.

Leo thinks he screwed up everything.

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