Chapter one: A story

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I have adopted this story from fallen_dem0n
They have left their old account, (Official_Kirishima) and has decided not to finish their stories, so I wanted to finish/rewrite this for them. ( I did get the permission of course. )

I also wanted to say that the day is Saturday, and Aizawa called 1-a in for a critical lesson the whole school was having :3

I awoke to the harsh, annoying sound of my alarm, as I groan and slip off my poorly made bed, soon having to run the sleep out of my eyes. It took a while for me to adjust to the brightness of my room, but after a few minutes, I managed to get up, grab my uniform and head to the showers.

I feel a sigh I didn't even know I was holding pass through my lips as I realised the shower room was empty, and quickly set my stuff down on the bench, setting up the shower by turning a few dials.

I decided it would be best to have a fast wash, as people were bound to pour into the room soon, so I stripped off my clothing, and rather conveniently stepped beneath the shower, the water almost burning my skin with eating drop, rather sensational if you ask me.

I can recall feeling angry at the time, I'm not sure why but all I wanted to do was punch the wall, rip segments of my hair out and cry, dramatic I guess, but that's what I remember feeling.

I quickly turned off the water supply, and stepped out of the shower, letting water droplets fall from my hair towards my chest, eventually hitting the ground.

I knew it was pointless brushing my hair, so I simply dried it with a towel, keeping my uniform dry once I had slipped them on, at the time I still didn't know how to tie a tie, of course making me look like the usual mess I am.

My emotions were bubbling within me, so I clutched helplessly into my trousers, my nails digging into my skin, I could feel everything, yet nothing at the same time, it was almost too much for me, that was until I lunged towards my bag and grabbed my pills.

I had a few bottles I had to use, but I didn't need them all, so I shook out the desired presses into my palm, downing them with a bit of water. I grimace as the aftertaste tended to be extremely bitter and unsatisfactory.

You see, I have to take these pills to even out my 'emotions' apparently I have massive mood swings, anger issues hallucinations and a bunch of other bullshit to put up with, the perfect ice cream sundae if you ask me.

My mum used to tell me that for some time in middle school, all I would have is episode after episode, not that I remembered them though. I think it was something along the lines of my brain blocking out bad memories, not that it mattered though, with these pills, my emotions are balanced perfectly.

Well, maybe a bit too perfectly, seeming it makes me act like Pinkie Pie from that children's show, with me being happy and calm all the time. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these pills was made from meth.

It's not like these pills help me when I'm alone, oh no, when I'm alone that's a whole other story. It's like my brain despises me, and is shooting thoughts at me from every angle, you know that one embarrassing memory I have? Oh, wait- you didn't see it happen, NO ONE SAW IT HAPPEN, but I still obsess over it a day, after day.

I think I realised I was distracted for too long, as I had stopped thinking and checked the time, I had six minutes to get to class, fuck.I grabbed my bag and darted out of the shower block, Iida speed, and headed over to my classroom, barely sitting down once the bell had sprung to life.

Mr Aizawa soon emerged from his sleeping bag, as I rested my head upon my desk, of course, his voice snapped me back to reality, he had begun teaching. It was obvious I was going to take notes at the time, so I pulled out my notebook and copied his speech, word for word.

Could you blame me? The school was all I had going for me if I failed I had what? Nothing.

It wasn't surprising when Aizawa stopped talking and went to sleep everyone knew it would happen at some point in the day, not like I'd blame him though, sleep is a very hard thing to achieve nowadays, especially in a Saturday morning.

I felt tired at the time as well, so I thought it would be a great idea to sleep, alas that would have never happened because Uraraka approached me, leaning onto my desk.

"Hey Deku-Kun," She began talking, ignoring the fact that I could barely keep my eyes open, " I'm having a sleepover in my dorm later, wanna come? "

I shook myself awake and nodded nervously, "O-oh erm sure?" I was generally nervous about attending I suppose, I have to take my pills as soon as I wake up, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to know I use pills.  I decided that it was best to wake up before everyone else, that way it's a win-win situation.

"Great, I'll see you then!"

As soon as the bell rang, notifying us that the day is over, everyone flooded out of the classroom. I, myself went to my room, to pack for the sleepover I stupidly agreed to attend.

Being the organised person I am, I packed two changes of clothes, a toothbrush, my rabbit onesie, my charger and my pills. Due to the fact, my pills were going to stay hidden, I conveniently placed them beneath the rest of my stuff.

Appearance is also important, so I slipped on the laziest outfit to exist, a long grey hoodie and some weird-ass, black shorts I had found lying around. It may be scruffy, but it was good enough for me.

Sooner or later, I ended up knocking on Ochako's door, almost being hit in the fact by it once she swung it open. "Deku, there you are! Come on in and place your stuff where you want."

My friend grinned as I entered her - unusually large - dorm, I was immediately flustered when I realised I was the last to arrive and rushed to sit down next to Eijiro.

Turns out they wanted to play never have I ever, which I didn't mind, but it was a long game, so I took a chance and decided to play. I don't remember anything bad happening, during that day, it was a mere blur, I do remember waking up, however.

I woke up late, much to my disappointment, and almost everyone had left, so in a hurry I said my farewells to Uraraka but ended up tripping over my United laces, sending my stuff flying everywhere.

"Oh Deku, are you ok? Let me help you."

I cursed the girl's kindness, allowing her to help me gather my stuff and place it in my bag, despite being anxious throughout the entire procedure, nevertheless, we got all my mess cleared up and back where it belonged.

"I am sorry, bye Uraraka~San!!" I apologised frantically, trying to ignore her obvious sweatdrop.

"It's ok, bye Deku~Kun!"

I left as quick as I could, obviously in a lesser state of mind, due to the fact I hadn't taken my pills, and slammed the door to my dorm open, flipping my bag inside out, searching for the one thing missing.

My pills.

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