Chapter Eight: Doppelganger

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I rarely made new friends, when I joined UA I stuck with the first few people I met, because my trust issues were high, funny what trauma does to a person isn't it? I was sat thinking about this as I walked into my classroom, my bag slung into my back in a scruffy manor.

"You ok Deku?" Uraraka questioned me, the sound of rattling coming from her bag everytime she moved; I glanced away from her and rest my head in my hand, giving her only a him for an answer.

She looked at me confused, before seating herself infront of me, where Katsuki usually sits, "Nevermind that then." She spoke, soon rummaging through her bag and pulling out a pack of familiar pills.

" You seem to know everyone Deku~kun, I wouldn't usually snoop around but these haven't been claimed, do you know who they belong too? "

I've practiced my reaction for so long, "Yeah, I do actually." I told her, reaching for the pills, in which she reluctantly pulled away.
" Umm, who? " She asked, hiding the pills just out of my reach, as if she wanted to annoy me.

"I don't think they would be comfortable with me sharing so just pass them here ok?" I snapped , my voice raising with every word, claiming dominance.

I wasn't surprised when she gave me a hurt look, "Ok deku, no need to get angry with me." She mumbled, handing me the object I needed, as a shoved them into my blazer pocket.

" You can go now. " I told her, shooing her away with one hand, the other fidgeting with the zipper, that had caught shut. She gave me a small nod, and walked back, clearly going to talk about me to iida, which I did not appreciate.

I guess I should have thought about the real thing that will cause me a problem or two, and that's facing the "real" Eraserhead, I'm not sure what I'm gonna say, act like or do at this point but I guess that's something I will have to find out later.

"Ok class, shut up and look at me." Ah, speak of the devil, the man himself Shon- I mean Shota Aizawa. I can't remember much after that, all I know is I began plotting something, ah yeah!

It would be a shame to convert to vigilantism without a plan of some sort, I wouldn't be able to do it alone, that's what Minoru helped me realise anyway, I would need people, lots of people..


"Mama?" Izuku called out to his loving and doting parent, " Can I be a hero too? I want to help people mama.. "
Inko cupped her babies cheecks, placing her forehead against his,
"My baby, I'm so sorry, please forgive me.."
She said, before-


I shook my head, I did not remember that ever happening, I'm pretty sure that was the same day I went to the quirk doctor though, never mind that, I have some business to handle.

First thing first, I need to get rid of Shota.

A short chapter to calm things down before the real angst comes.
Eddie <3

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