Chapter Six: Trust

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I edited this chapter, it is now longer, and technically should count as a new chapter too, enjoy :)

The following day wasn't the best, the rain decided to shine through right as we had started our quirk training, therefore reducing the amount of information I could collect.

I hadn't heard from Kira in a few hours, and honestly, it disturbed me, I had yet to find my pills, but the good part was I had a prescription pre-ordered, of which I could pick up at the end of lessons.

I remember sitting through Hero History, my last lesson of the day, and having Midnight constantly pick on me during class, "Izuku," She would say, leaning over my desk, " Which hero failed to rescue half of their country due to the lack of money they were being payed? "


"What hero likes to disrupt conversations by singing their most famous quote."

" All might "

"Which hero slept whilst eight of his 'children' robbed McDonald's?"

" Eraserhead "

It would be a lie to say the whole day wasn't a bore, I might be ill mentally, but I am not mentally deficient, I have a little something called common sense, you might have heard of it.

"When wa-" My fists dag into the table as I stood, my seat screeching as it scraped across the floor.

"Can you kindly shut the fuck up?" I began, my anger visible through my words, not my actions, " There are plenty of students actually failing this class, so why don't you ask them, and appropriately help them so they meet UA's standards. "

The pro heroes eyes widened slightly, her body trembling as her quirk neared activation, it wasn't normal for someone like me to swear, yet alone cuss - apparently.

I think people these days are demented, I'm legitimately 16, ontop of that I grew up with Katsuki Bakugou, I know my fair share of curses.

"Nezus office now."

It was stupid really, the idea of sending me to the office of a principle without supervision, because I am totally going to spend half an hour looking for one office, in all honesty, I'd rather spend six hours with Kira, the touchy bastard.

I flipped the female off, walking away, four eyes legitimately quaking because, sonic doesn't cuss does he, I'm not sure if it's me, but hanging out with Kira has boosted my confidence around others, just not around him weirdly.

"Good job baby," a voice snickered from behind me, wrapping his arms around me, just as I had reached the rooftop. A cigarette was visible from the corner of my eye, dangerously close to my lips.

" Can you not? " I grumbled, shoving his arm away from me, "I'm still a minor, it's illegal for me to buy those things, let alone smoke them."

Kira grumbled, the man clearly didn't care for my health, let alone his own, "So you can backstab thousands of pro heroes, and those in training, including your friends, yet you can't even smoke a cigarette?"

I shook my head, as if to say no, because quite clearly I was not prepared to ruin my lungs for some sort of stress remover. " That stuff kills, so you even know what goes into it? Smoking isn't cool, at all, even if I do turn out to be some mass killer thing. "

Her rolled his eyes and said nothing more, and from there on we sat in a comfortable silence, seeming as there was nothing to talk about apparently. It took a while to get a conversation going, but, in all honesty, I was disappointed when it did, you don't get the silence around quiet so often as I would like.

"So are you going to do it?" He asked, gazing up at the sky the once blue colour had faded, and now settled for a light orangey yellow shade.

I gazed up at him, his eyes were glowing under the blaze of the setting sun, his fingers brushed against the fencing of the rooftop, his body dangerously close to the edge.

"I don't know." It was better for me to answer with pure intentions, rather than one to deceive him.

" How so? " Kira questioned, his head tilted to the side, like a lost puppy, it was normal for him to not understand me I suppose.

"Well, I guess I'm a bit like the stars," I began, scoffing slightly, not letting the semi smile leave my face, " When it's the day, you never know where they are, but as soon as night, everything becomes clear again. "

Yeah, I'll just have to wait for my night to arrive, whether it's a person or not, that is what my fate will decide.

Fucking hell Kid," Kira spat, moving himself away from me, " I asked you a question, no need to go all sappy on me. "

It was true what he said, I was being a little sappy, but i wasn't expecting that response, "I'm a teenage boy, what else are you expecting?"

Kira playfully mimicked an air guitar, "I thought you were gonna go all emo, and start playing panic at the party, or whatever it's

I rolled my eyes, "Its panic at the disco, surprised you haven't heard of it yet honestly, especially with the way you act."

I took a step forward, we stood at the centre of the roof, but with each movement I made, I edged closer to the end.

"What are you doing?" He queried, the man couldn't be that worried, obviously, he had barely known me for a week, let alone a year, but what can I say. The same goes for my trust.

"You see," I began, as I clutched onto the railing, preparing to climb, "I've been thinking a lot recently."

The man's eyes widened, "W-what about?" He asked, his throat clearly drying; he swallowed a lump of saliva.

" I've known you for a few days, and you seem keen on driving me away from heroism. "

I was now sat atop the edge, feet dangling dangerously close to the edge, and Kira? Kira was having a breakdown, trying to hide it of course.

"And I've come to the conclusion that, you must need me for something, what that thing is i don't care, but I know that if something were to happen to me your plan would fail, an i wrong?"

He gasped, running forward, no sign of sadness, only anger placed upon his face, "Izuku Midoriya, don't you dare.."

" Oh, but I do dare. " With that I fell, as you know, UA isn't a short building, and I was almost certain I would die within that very moment.


Izuku was cut off of my storytelling due to a file of documents, slamming down on the table, he was unable to flinch due to the handcuffs that was wrapped rightly around his slightly scarred, and clearly pale wrists.

"Bullshit!" Tsuchaki spoke, looking him directly in the eye, as he leant closer to the boy, "Your alive now, aren't you?"

He cocked his head to the side, looking away from the policeman, "My my, getting a bit ambitious are we?" Izuku smirked, "How would the other heroes feel to know you tried to get a piece of me?"

The greenette received a push, well, moreso a shove but nobody is keeping check are they?

"Be quiet, your under investigation, I'm taking this seriously and so should you!" The dog yelled , "We've been searching for this organization for months, and when we get a lead we find you, so spill it. Where are you hiding them?!"

Izuku smirked moving closer, so close that both the males noses were touching, "Let me continue deary."

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