Chapter Seven: Decisions

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"As I was saying..."


I almost certainly knew I was going to die there and then, Kira may have been helpful, but he wasn't a saint, and most probably was an imposter of some sort.

So you can imagine my surprise when I felt a sturdy pair of arms wrap around me and shield my fall, later turning into a pile of grey smoke, an illusion of some sort perhaps?

"What was that?" I choked out, the substance coming out of my mouth with every exhaling breath I took.

Shona glanced at me from the top of the roof, before jumping himself, letting the specific material carry his body down; Floating gracefully.

"For someone who got into the top hero school you are pretty dumb," He scoffed, ruffling his black fringe so it sloppily covered his eyes, "Quirks exist dumbass."

I turned to face him, giving him a curious yet somehow sly look, "I thought you were a better version of Eraserhead, so shouldn't your quirk be erasure?" I asked him, placing a snazzy hand on my hip .

"Its a variation I suppose, the mist I emmit partially nullifies your quirk as long as I don't blink." He responded, placing a hand on my cheek like he did earlier, "But more importantly, why didn't you trust me?"

It was my turn to scoff, "I've been bullied since I was five, if you want me, your gonna have to accept trust issues as apart of the Izuku package."

It may seem stupid, but it really does make sense.


"Kacchan?" A year ridden greenette called out, walking through the bushes of his local park, sniffling every millisecond .
"Kacchan this isn't funny where are you?"

Katsuki jumped out from a rosemary bush, flinging his arms towards Izuku, pushing him into the lake ahead, anything after that was a blur.

An unrecoverable memory.


An agitating bell sound surrounded the duo, signifying that the lesson I missed was over, "I suppose it's time to go.." I told him, reaching to push his hand away, only to realise he had gone, leaving nothing but the remnants of his quirk behind.

I rolled my eyes at his behaviour, "Of course you have to make a dramatic exit, you aren't kira if you don't do that.." I mumbled to myself, walking around the building, and back towards the entrance.

I had barely made it inside when I was stuck to the wall by several purple beads, my eyes widened as I was unable to move, immediately knowing who was doing this.

"Mineta?!" I called out, upon noticing the short figure move towards me, " What the?-"

The boy jumped up and placed a finger to my lips, "You don't get to ask questions, I do." He told me, removing each of his balls from my uniform, and then proceeding to drag my body into an empty closet.

"Who and what was that." He asked me, backing me up against the wall, obviously wanting answers. I thought for a moment or two before responding to him, " What was what? " I queried, looking him daringly in the eye.

"I saw you jump from a roof Midoriya," He spoke, his eyes tearing up, " I also saw some thirty year old man save your ass! "

My eyes clouded upon realisation, my mouth turning dry, and my lips feeling chapped all of a sudden, "I-umm, I don't know what you mean."

" sure you dont, but maybe a bit of a refresher might help you remember. " He pulled out a cassette tape, playing the audio of which it held.

"I've been bullied since I was five, if you want me your gonna have to accept trust issues as a part of the Izuku package."

Oh, I was so legally screwed.


"Don't you want to be a hero too Midoriya?" My teacher called out, a smirk of acknowledgement placed upon his stubborn face.

" I suppose so.. " I mumbled, shielding my face invade anyone should start throwing things in my direction, or if anyone decided to activate their quirk.

"Oh, didn't think someone like you would want that."
He said, tearing my application form in half, laughing along with the class, before it all turned black.

Another lost memory.


"So your telling me you are in a love-hate relationship with this guy you barely know, and are debating whether becoming a vigilante is the best option for you?"

Maybe telling Mineta wasn't a great idea, the boy had moved to sit on an upside down bucket, his face pale, and somewhat shocked. "Pretty much." I whispered , any previous confidence gone, faded from my nimble figure.

Mineta sighed, "I'm gonna be frank with you Midoriya, I can't tell what's going through your brain right now but I'm going to stand by you no matter what path you may decide to trespass upon. You have saved my life many times, and although I'm not the best person, I'm trying to amend for all the problems I have caused, and honestly, sticking by you is one of the only options I have right now."

Well, I wasn't expecting that, was Mineta even a person I could trust? How would I know he wouldn't turn my back upon me, "Thanks Mineta, I don't know what I want right now, but I do know that you can always place trust in me, I know what I wanted when I chose to attend a hero school, I wanted to make a change, I want people to be seen as equal, and for no one to feel helpless ever again, and I think that maybe, just maybe, UA isn't the right place for that to happen."

Minoru gave a nod full of understanding feelings, "Likewise, I'm always here to talk Midoriya-" It was my turn to cut the boys speech off...

"Izuku, call me izuku."

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