Chapter five: Rebellion?

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Tw: Age difference of 5+ years.

I looked up at the man who spoke, it rather obviously being Aizawa-Sensei, "Your real?" I mumbled, rather shocked to be honest, I mean seriously, a lunatic like me actually not hallucinating for once is a big deal.

"Well, in some sort of sick sense, Shota is real, therefore I am real." He smirked, grabbing my chin, and directing my eyes towards his, " Isn't that great?~"

I shook my head, he couldn't be real, Sensei didn't care, he was so bland, this thing was not him, he was far too different.
"No," I clasped my eyes shut, " Your fake, your fake, im bad, go away.. "

I could feel his hands run down my body, grabbing my tie, "Your feel that?" He whispered into my ear, " You feel me? I'm real aren't i? "

I knew I was shivering, as a tear slipped down my face, refusing to open my eyes, he tugged at my tie harder. "TELL ME IM REAL IZUKU!"

I swallow down what presumably was vomit, as I nod, "Y-your real..."

I felt a sensation as it let go of me, opening my eyes im met with a sickly sweet smile, and a fearful set of glowing eyes.
"Perfect, now onto the real issue that is to be discussed."

The man ahead of me pulled out an unusual notepad, "You, me, rebellion." He told me blankly, not even bothering with the persuasion .

"Eh? What do you mean 'rebellion'" I mocked his tone and voice, not realising how dangerous the man was at the time and place.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet Izuku? Do you not realise how horrid our society is?" It grabbed my hips, pulling me in, " They tried to take you from me Izuku, they tried to kill me. "

"Kill you...?" My eyes were widened, how could the heroes try and kill someone? Especially someone remotely like Sensei .
I definitely regretted that sentence, as I could feel the rage bubbling within this weird creature.

"You let them make you forget, those pesky adults, trying to be rid of me, but I'm not letting them take you away, you are mine Izuku, all mine."

I began to panic, a man I hardly knew, seemed to know everything about me, including factors I couldn't seem to remember, "I don't, I don't understand sensei?"

It rolled its eyes, his fingers digging into my waist, "I know that you idiot, but hey, whilst we are here let me introduce myself. I'm Shona Aizawa, but you can call me Kira."

At the time, my mental state, and Shona's appearance were no coincidence, but I was fifteen, what was I to do? How could I know any better?


"So your telling me, that you expect me to go rouge?" I groaned, frustration hitting me like a ton of bricks, as I sat in some abandoned building.

Kira nodded, "Yeah, pretty much." He grinned, that sick bastard was smiling, one arm wrapped around my neck, as he pulled a bottle of Vodka out of nowhere.

" Ok, ok, " I blinked a few times, a permanent headache stuck in my mind, "You must have the wrong Izuku, i'm not even close to becoming a hero, let alone a vigilante, and come on, in 15, why the fuck would I date a 30 year old man?"

"20." Shona plonked his bottle on a dusty table, " Haven't I told you I was twenty? " He asked me, his eyes slightly misty, presumably from the alcohol.

"Whatever Kira, I'm not even gonna discuss this whilst you are drunk."

" Why not? " He asked, removing his arm from me, balling it into a fist.

"Shona, I am 15." I spoke, looking him in his eyes, " I don't want to die, I want to atleast see Eri and Kota grow. Shona, I'm not gonna go out there, and risk being killed by both heroes and villains. "

My voice was raised, but the crack in it decieved my anger, I turned my body to leave, UA is all that's left for me, I can't be someone without it.

"You didn't say that when you fought muscular."

I froze, he wasn't wrong, I didn't care for myself when that monster tried to kill the innocent boy.

"You didn't think about that when Bakugou got kidnapped, or when Todoroki wouldn't use his power, heck, you went out on a brim to save a child that had links to the Yazuka, am I wrong?"

How stupid am I huh? Being lectured by someone who is probably a figure of my imagination, I should probably stop, and ignore him.

"No, your right.."

Oh, well there goes that idea, dumb mouth, shut the fuck up for once.

"Exactly, I know who you are Izuku, and it's not like I'm asking you to do this alone, you can recruit you know? There are probably dozens of lowlifes who you can gather to do your bidding, heck in pretty sure most of 1 -A would jump off a roof for you."

Shona stepped towards me, taking a swig at his Vodka, then tossing it to the side, "You don't fear death Izuku, you and I both know that."

" Your wrong, " I shuffled away from the drunken beast, "I just want to be in control of my life, being kind imprisoned for working anonymously is not going to help that!"

Despite the thick aura, Shona was laughing, "You just contradicted yourself idiot, if you work anonymously, how is anyone gonna know who to arrest? And if you do get caught, you can be busted out, simple as can be really~"

Ok, maybe I regretted not asking anyone if they had seen my pills just a little bit, because I ended up Detroit smashing a table, with my fist. " I'm not becoming a vigilante! " I shouted, frustration appearing all over my face.

Shona rolled his eyes, and suddenly appeared behind me, nipping on my neck, "Baby, calm down, you don't have to be one just yet, give me time, I'll sort something out, in the meantime, the least you can do is gather some more information for me, in those little notebooks of yours."

How the fuck did I end up in this situation?

Ok! The voting results are up! We are for team ShinMonoDeku! If the voting results change, I might find ways to slip in other ship moments.

Now is another choice! What side ships shall we include 🤔
I don't want anything expected, like Kiribaku or Todomomo, so here are a few you can vote for.
(You aren't limited to one ship)


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