Chapter Two: A new discovery

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Uraraka. O

I was in my dorm, picking up the extra bits of trash that remained idle on the floor from the sleepover, when I came across a strange thing, behind my trashcan, in the corner of my room, I had found an unmarked bottle.

A frown plastered my face as I opened the cap, to reveal an assortment of small white pills, no one takes pills that I know of, and they most definitely weren't mine.

I would've asked the 1-a group chat, but I didn't think they would be comfortable with the whole class knowing about it. I guess looking back on it, I could've handled it into a teacher, however that still wouldn't have been the best option, because they might not have known either, and could easily out the person to the whole class.

I put them in the cabinet in my bathroom, if anyone came looking for the bottle, at least I would know where to find them.
I partially groaned in frustration and continued to clean my room, seeing as no one else had offered.

Taking the small collection of trash, I dumped it into a black bag and heaved it over my shoulder, heading out towards the dumpster, where I leave it until further notice.

As I made my way back to my room, I recall bumping into Deku, and I swear a flash of rage, more dominant than Bakugou's stayed plastered on his face for a few seconds, before disappearing into his usual smile.

"Sorry Uraraka, guess I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going!"

His voice faltered as he spoke, reaching his hand towards me to help me up, almost anxiously.
"Its okay Deku-kun, I should have paid more attention myself," I replied, waving as he sped away.

I continued the walk to my room, wondering why Deku been so upset, no, why had he been so enraged at the time. It only took a bit of thinking to remember how on edge he was that morning too when he tripped and fell. Was there something he didn't want others to know?

My eyes widened in realisation, the pills I had earlier discovered, could they have been Deku~Kuns? I never thought it could've been him because he would've had no usage for them, I mean it's Deku-kun, there's nothing wrong with him at all.

He hadn't told any of us his past at that point, he probably wasn't even comfortable telling any of us, how was I meant to know for sure that they even belonged to him. I assumed everyone got angry from time to time and decided to leave it alone.

Besides, he would deny it if I had asked anyways, because they weren't his, or because he didn't want anyone to know.

I let a sigh escape from my lips as I payback on my bed, those pills had to be important or they - whoever they were - wouldn't have even risked bringing them at all, but in my defence, how was I even supposed to find out who they belonged to, without spilling their secret?

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