Piper: Private

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Los Angeles

Thinking of you Sparky{tagged: SparKy}Likes: 58            Comments: 43

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Thinking of you Sparky
{tagged: SparKy}
Likes: 58 Comments: 43

SparKy Love you Pipes 😘
beauty.queen @ SparKy love you too 😍

PerSASSy_thegreat the lightning looks amazing, did you take that pic?
beauty.queen @ PerSASSy_thegreat I did take it, just got a new camera! I'm so EXCITED, you should come out for a photo shoot with me!!
PerSASSy_thegreat @ beauty.queen I would love that, I'll DM you and we can set up a time. Can't wait!

Wise_girl I miss you so much Pipes, can't wait for you to come home. We need to find a time to hang out 🥰
beauty.queen @ Wise_girl I miss you too, just a few more days!!

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