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You put your arms around me and I'm home

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You put your arms around me and I'm home.
{tagged: Mc.chizzle_man}

Likes: 826                    Comments: 729

Wise_girl I love your caption !! 🥰 It's so sweet
       Callie... @ Wise.girl 😳 I DEFINITELY didn't steal it off pinterest 👀

FRANKly_amazing The beach looks amazing. The reflection of the sun on the water, it's wonderful.
       Callie... @ FRANKly_amazing Thanks 😊

hazelnut You guys make such a cute couple 😙
       Callie... @ hazelnut 🥰

PerSASSy.thegreat You are definitely a cute couple, but can we talk about the beach? The shore line is beautiful.
Callie... Yes, we definitely can, I can't get enough of it!

Mc.chizzle_Man Everyone's talking about the background, can we talk about how beautiful that person is?
Callie... @ Mc.chizzle_Man Yep!! You are very beautiful darling 🥰
Mc.chizzle_Man @ Callie... Ahh, that's not what I meant but I'll take it. You're beautiful too!!😘

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