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Long Island

Wait, you're telling me you don't kiss the homies goodnight?{tagged: theliteral_Sun}Likes: 98           Comments: 174

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Wait, you're telling me you don't kiss the homies goodnight?
{tagged: theliteral_Sun}
Likes: 98           Comments: 174

theliteral_Sun I'm glad you feel comfortable with making our relationship public 🥰
       ghost.king @ theliteral.Sun Ya, I realized it would be really easy to 'deal' with the homophobes
theliteral_Sun @ ghost.king No killing

beauty.queen You guys are so cute together!! 😍
        Wise_girl @ beauty.queen IKR probably the cutest couple at camp!!

Mc.chizzle_man That caption though 😂😂
        ghost.king @ Mc.chizzle_man I thought it was pretty funny

hazelnut So happy for you Nico, Will seems like a nice guy.
ghost.king @ hazelnut Yes he is, I'm very happy

user18376 eww, you guys are going to hell
       LGBT_love @ user18376 I think you're the one going to hell
user18376 @ LGBT_love God says it's a sin, I'm just spreading the message of God
        LGBT_love @ user18376 Not everyone believes in your god, and it never says that in the bible
        user18376 @ LGBT_love Your just mad because you know I'm right
        LGBT_love @ user18376 You're**
        ghost.king @ LGBT_love Thanks for trying to educate
        LGBT_love @ ghost.king Np, also love the username 😊
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