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If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go{tagged: Wise_girl}Likes: 2

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If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go
{tagged: Wise_girl}
Likes: 2.4k          Comments: 1.3k

beauty.queen Percy, that's so cheesy 🤣🤣

Wise_girl Are you calling me a weirdo?
     perSASSy_thegreat @ Wise_girl 🧐 hmm I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️

Wise_girl It was so sweet 🥰 I'm so excited!
     perSASSy_thegreat @ Wise_girl Me too!! 😘

Mc.chizzle_Man I have so many emoceans about this 😂
     perSASSy_thegreat @ Mc.chizzle_Man I'm shore you love it 😍
     Mc.chizzle_Man @ perSASSy_thegreat Shell yeah!! 🐚
     beauty.queen @ perSASSy_thegreat
@ Mc.chizzle_Man Alright guys, this is getting out of sand!!
     perSASSy_thegreat @ beauty.queen Shell we dance together at prom?
     beauty.queen @ perSASSy_thegreat Feeling fun-tastic about that!! 😘
     Wise_girl @ beauty.queen @ Mc.chizzle_Man
@ perSASSy_thegreat Really guys? How long is this gonna be?
     Mc.chizzle_Man @ Wise_girl I don't sea an end in sight! ❤️
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