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When Darshan opened his eyes uneasily , it was already night time and he could not adjust his quacking gaze with the surrounding . Suddenly he felt a pair of warm hands , grabbing his hand and squeezing it a little , assured his safety .

The blurry figurine became clearer gradually and after few seconds Yash's face immerged with a gentle smile . An immense care in those golden brown eyes became vivid in Darshan's eyes . Darshan felt like his heart skipped a beat , he could not believe in himself anymore as he was loosing control on his resistance .

"Are you feeling better , now ?"
Yash asked with a dry , thin voice as he stayed almost silent the whole day and he was worried .

Darshan still couldn't talk with his too much low energy level , he just nodded a little .

Yash continued with the same voice ,
"stop pretending , you can't even utter a sound . Why do you have to be this much brave ?!"

A weak smile appeared on Darshan's still a little pale face , he was gaining energy gradually , which was strange , as he never gained power that fast before .

Yash still held Darshan's hand and gently rubbing his palms , he said
"The doctors said that you fainted because of low sugar in your blood . They guessed that it happened for the morning fast ."

Darshan kept watching Yash intensely , the more he was thinking about his unworldly life , the more he was loosing the battle .

Yash suddenly said "Your body was unnaturally pale and cold as an ice block , your pulse was very faint too . I thought that I had lost you ."

Yash's voice choked in the last , his face was distorted , a deep frown rose between his thick eyebrows .

Darshan raised his hand and keeping it on Yash's cheek , with a fainted voice , he said "don't worry , I'm fine now . This isn't the first time , I'm in this condition . It have been happening all these years ."

Yash's eyes became tearful , he was treasuring the touch of the person whom he loved .

Darshan felt as if he had consoled this person like that for years . The warmth of Yash made him feel as if they had stayed like this for ages . The unknown familiarity with Yash was a total mystery for him . Still he felt that this feeling was the one which could give him fulfilment .

Suddenly there was a knock on the door , a tall , middle aged man with a complexion of totally pale white , dressed in white , entered the room .

Seeing that man , Yash moved away a little from Darshan , his expression became stressed ; while Darshan's hand hanged in mid-air , he was surprised to see his doctor who always had attended him on that particular day .

But, for that man it was most awkward time to enter the room , he needed to make sure that Darshan was alright , yet after interfering in their private moment , he felt himself as a culprit . He apologetically looked at Yash , who was scowling internally .

Darshan watched his doctor being mentally ripped by his crush , but couldn't understand what was the cause of his doctor's horrified look as Yash wasn't showing any sign of rage but only tension .

With a shaken voice the doctor finally said "I'm relieved that you're awake . But this time you woke up earlier . Hmmm , how are you feeling now ?"

He didn't dare to meet Yash's eyes , even for once .

Darshan's voice got better , smiling , he said "I'm feeling better now , it's a surprise to me too , that I am rapidly gaining back my energy . What did you try this time ?"

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