3 : The Return of The Lord of Karma

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Around 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, Yash reached the crime scene at Pran Apartments, No.2 Brinda Avenue, the university campus was just beside it. Approx 15 minutes ago he had got a call from a financial agent and he rushed off after hearing that someone was there to kill him. He knew since the murderer was already there, the murder had been done.

Yet when he reached there, he was surprised to see the criminal was still there, all over bloodstained, sitting on a couch, papers were scattered all around him and at that moment he seemed to be in another world. Yash formally ordered him not to move and whatever daydream the man was in he had been snapped out. 

Seeing the officer with gun in his hand, the murderer was horrified. Yash was still near the door, the couch was near the broad window facing the university campus. 

Damn! he has a chance to escape. Yash thought.

As if the criminal could read his mind, did a back flip and at once was out of the window, landing straight on the campus wall. 

Yash knew the campus very well . For any irregular person the campus would be a maze but not for himself. If he started to chase the man it might have cost some professor's or student's life.

Okay, give him some time to reach the Main Gate Lane. It'll be easy to catch him there.
Yash thought . 

He checked the dead body on the kitchenette floor, the agent was brutally tortured before his throat had been cut open.

So the murderer didn't prefer sure death, but was badly triggered by something or someone!
He thought.

Then he started checking the surroundings 

Too much to investigate!  Heaving a sigh, he thought.

A call entered his phone, the screen read 'The Head Guy' ,Yash picked up the call.

Putting the call on speaker, he began a detailed checking and a gentle, laidback voice was heard from the other side of the phone.

"I almost thought that you've blocked me."

Raising his head from the dead body, Yash looked at the phone as if to apprehend the mood of the other side. With a polite tone he replied "how do I dare to do that?!"

However the other person gave a light chuckle and said "seems like you're not missing me at all!

Yash's expression turned into a dumbfounded one, immediately he replied "well we see each other every day at work and even sometimes out of work."

This time a wholehearted laughter rang through the speaker "why do you take everything so seriously?"

With a grumpy voice, Yash replied "I don't think it's appropriate to joke around the deads!"

Stopping the laughter with a huff, the other person said "seems like you're having a headache. Should I send someone to help?"

His tone sounded serious and at the same time a loud honk was heard.

Yash's eyebrows arched together in suspension and he could not help but asked "are you travelling to somewhere in a public vehicle?"

There was no response from the other side for a whole minute, Yash thought the other person might have cut the connection and his expression became more grave.

Just what's going on with him?! He thought.

As he was about to touch the body again, the laidback voice was heard again and only then Yash concluded that something more serious had happened.

The other person sounded serious "Mr. Raj leave the apartment, catch the murderer at any cost. I don't want you to fail."

Yash thought it was weird that the other person actually did not even bother to ask him if anything was out of the place. Moreover the voice was tensed and urgent, something seemed wrong to Yash.

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