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The doctor supposed to meet the Lady of Knowledge at the office of "NORMS" , but when he reached there , he couldn't find the right way to enter the premise as seeing anything was almost impossible . The whole place was turning into unending mazes continuously and the contents of those mazes were sometimes darkness and filthy smell , sometimes repenting moans , sometimes pleading cry and sometimes unbearable painful screaming . The doctor almost entered one of those maze when someone from behind caught him and he saw it was a fairy from Sampath's Eagle tribe .

The bulky man shouted at him
"what are you doing here ? Do you want to die ?"

The doctor was still shocked , he kept seeing the mazes and asked
  "what are those ?"

"Mazes of Insanity ."

"Insanity? Mazes?"

The doctor's senses weren't working properly till then .

Shaking him quite harshly , the man said "The office is under attack ! The front of the office is far away from here , the attackers prepared the mazes for the late comers of us who still do not know that the main entrance is shifted to the back . I'm watching over them , so that they don't enter the mazes . I hope you understand . Now let's go there , the situation is not in our favour ."

After running a good distance through the forest behind the guest house complex , when they finally reached the backside of the office , the doctor was stunned to see their unfavourable conditions . Peoples from almost every tribe were present there , while the tribesmen from his own Swan tribe were busy like bees to attend the wounded . Few soul guards were patrolling back and forth within few seconds , they were almost blurry because of their speed .

The doctor had to meet the Lady first , but the wounded were also important to him . He checked few of the patients , applied some medicines on their wounds . He noticed that most of them were ground bounded , a very few were from the birds tribes ; still then there was no one from the Eagle tribe and it was a relief . He left the patients with his men and went to the inside of the office .

Horizontally the office had four layers ; from the backside of the office , the first layer was used for keeping the wounded . The second layer , exactly where the lifts to the gateway to Naarook were , became a army camp , as soul soldiers kept coming from Naarook and were halted temporarily for calls of reinforcement . The soldiers were already pale for being dead, and seeing the wounded tribesmen being carried away in front of them , made their colour almost paper white as if they really could be alive again after surviving this .

The third layer was the largest one, which had a huge central hall , surrounded by private rooms for high ranked official staffs . But at that moment the hall was full with technical soul workers . They were busy with handling some walls of electronic grid around the office , few guard souls were coming and going continuously , informing them about every entrances of the office so that they could open the entrances for the right person . Though the walls were not harmful to spirits , still they were effective on the foul creatures of Shinnai . A group was busy with statistics of the battle ; soldiers who went to fight , soldiers who were deceased forever , the loss of opposition party etc .

The staircases to the upperstair were at this layer , and even the staircases were packed with tribesmen , who were able to fly . All the broad windows of the upper storey were widely opened . The war trained tribes were at the front of those windows , lined up on the corridors; while the bearers , curriers were randomly going and coming with essential messages , weapons , wounded tribesmen . The team was being functioned by Sampath himself .

The first layer was the reception area , which was actually a narrow verandah , containing only the reception desk and few barely used chairs . Only this portion was designed as humanly as possible , but at the moment it became more unworldly as some retreated soul soldiers were waiting for final outcome , they were all afraid of the second death . The outside might be that much horrific that even the War Lord's well trained army was in disaster .

The office premise was the real deal ; as it had become a core of volcano , the centre portion was full with liquid magma , and it was gradually consuming the whole area . The battalions were cornered to different directions . The soul soldiers were struggling hard to keep their ground , while keeping in mind about the spreading magma behind . The spirit soldiers were huge in number , they were fighting savagely for permanent death . The badly outnumbered soul soldiers were getting exhausted gradually , yet the clashing of swords and shields did not stop .

The swords of the soul soldiers were made of astral silver , a very effective metal from Naarook , these were purely glowing silver , one stroke of it could take away the complete life essence  of the spirits . The spirit soldiers' sowrds weren't less dangerous either ; they were made from the Holy Lava of Shinnai Mountain of Shinnai , pitch black and slightly bend on the edge . The blows between two weapons were hitting up the increasing temperature more rapidly .

Occasionally some eagles or owls or vultures or ravens were swooping down in merge and snatching the spirit soldiers from the ground . The advantages for these shape-shifters were that they could extend their body from their bird form to the size of their human form . So it was not difficult for them to lift a spirit soldier with their beaks and claws . The beaks and claws were gifted part of them which worked as a fatal weapon , one scratch of them and the wound would be never healed ; as for the spiritual portion, it was believed that these could extract a huge amount of soul essence and that's why the shape-shifters were more nightmarish than the soul soldiers' astral silver swords .

Nightmare , that also became a handy weapon here , as Rajani was seen there , totally consumed in dark violet vapour . This vapour, once in someone's eye and that person would be out of the real world and forever would be wandering in a dreamland , whether it's full with dreams or nightmares . A huge portion of the spirit soldiers was petrified because of that , but it was also difficult for Rajani , as she had to concentrate on keeping the vapour while she needed to watch her back .

In further portion , possibly where the temporary electronic shields were built up , sparks of electric rays were springing out continuously. The shields were keeping the Shinnai creatures out of the battle , if they entered the battlefield somehow , then it would be the end of the office .

Writer's Note
Instead of using "NORMS Come Always For Emergencies" every time, I thought of using its more short name

Hey, Readers,

So the BATTLE is finally here. ......

Let's see who wins and achieve what? !!!!!?!😉😉😉

Till then stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy reading.

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                ................Anasuya Raj

24th August, 2020

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