your friend Corey asks you to come down to Cali and his friend (the hot one) is falling for you and you start to feel some love between each other. So you watch a movie with him and cuddle, he likes it and he confessed- see what would happen next! I...
1. My favorite TV show is SpongeBob 2. Black and Red 3. Hunger Games 4. Beef tips 5. Ik I put my actual name on here years ago but please don't call me that. Call me Bee. My name on here and I hope soon everywhere. 6. Since November 19 (I don't want to do the 'math') 7. Fan girl 8. I change it every week blonde with blue tips this week (August 17) 9. Panda and Koala 10. Truth or dare (horror book that is really really scary)