Chapter 2:Stuck In An Elevator

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Rydel P.O.V

Me,Savannah,and Alexa are at the mall. We have been to various stores already. We're on our way to Hollister. We were lucky that we didn't get seen by anybody. I mean we're happy to have fans that love us but we want our time to ourselves too. "These shoes are killing me"I say. I was wearing 4 inch heels. "Let's switch"Alexa says. She was wearing her red converse. "Okay"I say. We sit on a bench and switch our shoes. "Thanks best friend"I said. "No problem"Alexa said. We got up and continued walking towards Hollister. We finally arrive to Hollister. We had split up through the store. I looked through clothing. I found a light pink shirt that said 'Hate R 4 Haters, Love Is 4 Me' in hot pink letters. I looked for one in my size and got it. I looked for more clothes. Then I went to the jewlery. I found a necklace that had the letter R on it. I got it and then found another necklace. It was in a heart. Its like a friendship necklace but it's for 3 people. I got it and went to pay. I found Alexa and Savannah already paying. We pay and then leave.

Alexa P.O.V

We payed and left from Hollister. "Let's go to the second floor"I said. "Yeah"Savannah says. Rydel nod and we find an elevator. We wait for the doors to open and we get in as well some children with their parents. Then halfway the elevator got stuck. The 5 little children that were in the elevator with us couldn't help but scream. "Renesmee quiet down"a mother told her daughter. "But mom thats Rydel Lynch,Alexa Dowd,and Savannah Hudson"the girl named Renesmee said. "I know sweetie you have to talk quiet"her mother told her. "Okay"the child said. "I'm sorry about her she's just a big fan of y'all"her mother told me,Rydel,and Savannah. "It's okay is it okay if we can chat with her?"I ask. "Really?!"the girl asked super happy. "Yeah if it's okay with your mom"I said. The girl looks at her mom and she nods. Then the other 4 children ask their parents. "Hi I'm Alexa. That's my best friend Rydel. And my other best friend Savannah"I point to each one of them.

~20 minutes later~

Savannah P.O.V

We're still stuck in the elevator. These children are so cool. They know a lot about us. Anyways I carry pictures and all that. Luckily I had 5 pictures of me,Rydel,and Alexa together. "Any of you have a pen?"I ask. "I do"Rydel says going through her purse. She gets it out and hands it to me. "Thanks"I said. Rydel nods and I sign the 5 pictures where I'm at. Then I hand it to Alexa. She signs the pictures where she's at. Then Rydel. She signs the pictures where she's at. We hand them to the 5 kids that were in the elevator with us. The kids thanked us. We nod and we get our phones out and take pictures with the fans. These fans also had their phone. So they took pictures on their phone as well. Then someone helps us out the elevator. We all get out and then we go home.

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