Chapter 3:Introducing The Girls To The Guys

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Rydel P.O.V

I'm gonna take Alexa and Savannah to meet the guys after we leave Littleton,Colorado. It was just me,my mom,Alexa,and Savannah. We went to Colorado because my mom had to visit someone and we went with her. Anyways our flight lands in an hour. I'm so glad we can be home. "I'll be right back gonna go to the restroom"Savannah says. "Okay"me and Alexa say. We laugh and got quiet. This one little 5 year old girl got my attention. She was wearing a pink t-shirt with a picture of me,Savannah and Alexa. That made me smile. I get a Kik message from Riker. It read 'Hey Delly call me when y'all on the way home'. I respond 'Kk bro'. "Who ya texting?"Savannah asked. "Riker"I say. "Can we meet your brothers and Ratliff?"Savannah asks. "Sure"I say. She smiles and Alexa come backs. "Our flight will land in 20 minutes thank you for being patient"the flight attender said. "Finally"Savannah says. We all laugh. Alexa was taking selfies of herself. I take pictures of her taking selfies of herself. I post it on Twitter. 'rydelr5: this girl takin her selfies before gettin off the plane @LExADowD #SelfieGirl'. Alexa's phone gets a notification on her phone. She reads it and looks at me. "What?"I ask casually. "Really Rydel? Really?"she asks. I nod. The plane finally landed. We get our purses and go into the airport to get our suitcases. "Come on girls the taxi is here"my mom said.

Savannah P.O.V

Stormie just said the taxi was here. We all get our suitcases and go to the taxi van. The guy puts our suitcases in the back. "Where to?"the guy asked. "Lynch Household"Stormie said. The man drives out the airport and drives us to Delly's place. Stormie pays him and we get off. Rydel sends Riker a Kik message. 'Open the door bro' is what her message said. A blonde opens the door. "Delly"he says hugging her. "Riker"Rydel says. "Go on in"Stormie said. We nod and go in. There were 4 boys playing an X-box. "Guys this is Alexa and Savannah"Rydel says to the guys. They pause the games and look at us. "That's Riker,Ross,Rocky, Ryland,and Ratliff"Rydel points to each one of them. Ryland got my attention. He's cute. I could tell he was staring at me. I blush.

Alexa P.O.V

Rocky got my attention. He's so freakin' cute! I could kiss him right now! No,I'm just kidding I barely know him. He was staring at me and I look down and blush.

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