Chapter 19:Talks

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Rydel P.O.V

Right when me and my brothers got home, our parents wanted to talk with us. "Kids sit down please"my dad said. We did as we told and waited them to tell us. "Mrs. Jennings called us today and that other students are spreading rumors that aren't true about y'all, and we don't like that so y'all will be going to a new school with Ratliff,Alexa, and Savannah"my mom says. "When is our last day?"Ryland asks. "Next Friday"mom says. "Okay when will we start packing?"Ross asks. "Tomorrow y'all are not going to school"dad says. We all nod and go to our rooms. It's only 6p.m. and I fall asleep.

Savannah P.O.V

Right when I walked into the house, my mom said she wanted to talk to me. "Sav, honey we need to talk"mom says. "Okay"I say sitting down on the couch. "So when you were in school, Mrs. Jennings called me about some problems happening in school and I decided to make you go to a different school your last day is next Friday and were packing tomorrow you won't go to school tomorrow"mom says. "Okay"I say getting up and going to my room. Everything starts going wrong. First my brother died,then rumors,and now moving. What else is going to happen? I won't see my friends again?

Alexa P.O.V

I was in my room doing homework,and my mom walks in with a sad look on her face. "Alexa, we need to talk"my mom says. "Okay"I say putting my pencil down and facing her. "Next Friday is your last day and we're packing tomorrow so you will not go to school tomorrow"mom says. "Okay"I say. She nods and walks out. I close the door and lay down and fall asleep.

Ratliff P.O.V

I walked in and my mom had a frown on her face. "Mom, What's wrong?"I ask. "The rumors about you and your friends"mom says. I look down. "Your last day is next Friday, you're gonna stay home tomorrow so we can pack"mom says. I nod and walk outside and walk to the park.

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