Chapter 18:Rumors

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Rydel P.O.V

Since prom happened a lot of things are going wrong. All my friends beside Alexa,Savannah, and Ratliff aren't talking to me. They give me looks like they don't like or wanna talk to me. I heard whispering behind me and there were 4 girls talking and I heard a lie. "I heard that Rydel is pregnant with Zac's baby"a girl with black wavy hair said. I feel the tears stinging my eyes and I walk off and cry.

Savannah P.O.V

I wish I have never went to prom. Since that day, things are going wrong. All my friends beside the Lynch's and Ratliff are not talking to me. I was talking to the new girl Kayla and we're friends now. When we were talking this girl and her friend says something about me. "Savannah slept with Ryland cause she was desperate"the girl with blonde hair that has multiple colors in it said to her friend. I start crying and I walk off.

Alexa P.O.V

I was in class and I was talking to this new girl. There's 2 new girls. Her name is Riley. Her twin sister is Kayla. Anyways, I was talking to Riley and there is 2 girls sitting in front of us. This is our free period class. The 2 girls in front of us mentioned my name. I heard them talk. "Alexa said she was desperate for Rocky and she actually slept with him"the girl with light brown hair said to her friend. I get up and walk off to the restroom. I walk in and sit in a corner and cry into my knees. I heard 2 other cries. I get up and there is Savannah and Rydel crying. I sit with them and we hug each other. My make up is messing up but I don't care. Rydel and Savannah's make up is also messing up.

Ratliff P.O.V

I was talking to the Lynch's beside Rydel and her friends. All my other friends don't talk to me anymore. We all heard crying coming from the girls restroom. We all look at each other and it might be Rydel,Savannah, and Alexa. We all go find the counselor Mrs. Jennings. "Mrs. Jennings, Rydel and Savannah and Alexa are crying in the restroom"Ryland says. "Okay let's go"Mrs. Jennings says. We all follow her and we all wait outside the girls restroom.

Rydel P.O.V

Mrs. Jennings the counselor comes in. "Girls, what's wrong?"Mrs. Jennings ask. "A-a lot o-of p-people are s-spreading rumors o-of u-us"Alexa chokes out. "Aww girls come with me"she says. We all get up and get paper towels and clean our faces. After we finish cleaning up, we follow her to her office. As we walk my brothers and Ratliff follow us. And the other people laugh at us. We get to her office and she tells us to sit down. This how we're sitting: Ratliff,Me,Riker,Ross,Ryland, Savannah,Rocky,and Alexa. "Any of you boys heard rumors about y'all?"Mrs. Jennings ask. "No not really"Riker answers. "Well I've heard rumors about y'all since prom happened"Mrs. Jennings says. "Oh"we all say. "I'm gonna call each of your mom's and tell them the problem"Mrs. Jennings says. "Me,Rydel,Rocky,and Ryland have the same mother"Riker says. "Okay I'll call her and I'll let y'all know what each of your mom's say okay?"Mrs. Jennings says. We all nod and leave her office and to our classes.

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