Chapter 7:Proms,Promises,& Kisses

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Rydel P.O.V

Today our school is having a prom. Ell is my date to the prom. I like him a lot! He's so cute. His hazel eyes are so dreamy, I can look into them all day long.

Savannah P.O.V

Tonight my prom date is Ryland. He's gonna pick me up at 6p.m later. He's so cute, I'd stare at him all day and it would be kinda creepy. But he's so adorable.

Alexa P.O.V

I'm going to prom with Rocky. I'm in love with him. He makes me laugh. His jokes and pranks are so funny. I just love him!❤

Ratliff P.O.V

I'm taking Rydel to our prom tonight. I wonder what she's gonna wear. Her beautiful hazel eyes are so adorable. Her smile is so stunning. I wanna make Rydellington happen. It'll make our fans go crazy but I don't care. I'm in love with the one and only Rydel Mary Lynch.

Ryland P.O.V

Yes! I'm going to prom with Savannah. I love her so much. I wanna tell her how I feel about her. Her long black hair just makes me wanna play with it. Her smile is so cute. Her eyes sparkle in the lights. She's so cute.

Rocky P.O.V

Tonight I'm going to prom with Alexa. I'm happy she's my date and not the lead cheerleader Jasmine. She's annoying and she like me but I don't like her. Back to Alexa, her smile is so adorable. Every time she smiles, the room lightens up. It's like if she was magical.

~At prom~

Savannah P.O.V

(Her prom dress is above) I'm at prom with Rydel and Alexa and our dates. I love prom so much. It takes a lot of stress away.

Rydel P.O.V

(Her prom dress is above) I love proms. A lot of girls have their first kiss on prom. Ratliff was my first kiss. ❤

Alexa P.O.V

(Her prom dress is above) Prom is going great so far. Right now they're playing music. I want it to be a slow dance. I wanna slow dance with Rocky.

Ryland P.O.V

The DJ starts playing a slow song. I look at Savannah looking at the other couples dancing. I go up to her. "May I have this dance?"I ask holding out my hand. "You may"Savannah smiles. I smile and we walk to the dance floor. After a minute or so I pull her closer. "Savannah, I promise to never let anyone hurt you ever. I love you Savannah"I say and kiss her.

Ratliff P.O.V

Rydel was looking at Ryland and Savannah dancing. I walk up to her. "May I have this dance my princess?"I ask holding my hand out. "You may my prince"Rydel smiles. I smile and pull her to the dance floor. We dance and after a minute I pull her closer. "Rydel, I promise to love you always, and protect you from scary things, even if it's just a little butterfly. I love you"I say. She smiles and I pull her closer and kiss her.

Rocky P.O.V

I see Alexa twirling her hair. It was in curls. I smile to myself and walk to her. "May I have this dance gorgeous?"I ask holding my hand out. "You may cutie"Alexa smiles. I smile and take her to dance. After a minute I pull her closer. "Alexa, my promise to you is that I'll be happy to see you happy. I love you"I say and kiss her.

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