Chapter 7

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A/N: Hullo! Quick note, I apologize for the late posting last week. I *swore* I published the chapter I had drafted up on here, but apparently I hadn't actually clicked that final button, go figure. v_v So sorry! 

But, as retribution, I am posting this week's chapter a day early! 

This week's question: What is your favorite TV show of all time? Mine would have to be The Office because I've seen it too many times to count (seriously, it's unhealthy o.e) and I have a reference for *any* situation that befalls me. But, ATLA is a superrr close second. No reasoning needed--it's amazing--that's it.

Anyhow! Let me know what your favorites are and don't forget to vote, comment, or shoot me a message! Thank you for reading and supporting me and I hope you love this week's chapter. Enjoy!

It had been five days.

Five days since Royce had told her she had a sibling. Five days since he had told her her whole family wasn't dead and she had a brother. Five days since he had told her that her brother's name was Finn.

Finn. Finn. Finn--what?

It had been five days since Royce had told her something that rattled her to her core and made her mind whirl non stop as she waited for answers--for anything. But he'd been silent. She had returned to work two days after her hiking accident, against Josie's concerns, and even though it wasn't easy hobbling around behind the counter on a crutch, she made it work.

She had visited Dr. Wallace in his clinic the day after, and after doing an x-ray to see if any bones were broken, he came to the conclusion that it had just been a bad sprain. He gave her a brace to wear over her foot to keep it in place and to limit motion, and sent her off with directions to take things easy, ice frequently, and keep it raised. After the afternoon she spent home convincing Ethan to let her get back to work so she could feel 'normal' again, he relented but he wanted to talk to Clyde first.

He went to the cafe that afternoon and when he returned he told her she could go back but--she had to take two additional breaks during her shifts to help keep the pressure off her ankle, she was to work no overtime at all, and she would be provided with a stool to sit down on behind the counter when business was slower. She agreed immediately and thanked him, kissing him over and over until they were pinned back on the couch and Ethan told her she could thank him another way. They spent the afternoon and evening wound around each other on the couch and in their bed until she woke up the following morning and slowly made her way into work again. For the umpteenth time, wishing she had a car to use or even a bike so she wouldn't have to walk even if the distance wasn't more than ten minutes away on foot.

She huffed, plopping down on the wooden stool Clyde gave her when she returned days ago. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and took a sip of water from her cup sitting beside the espresso bar. She tried to focus on the ice cold liquid cooling her skin and stinging her throat, but it only lasted a moment before her thoughts drifted back to her conversation with Royce around the bonfire.

Finn...who are you Finn? Why haven't you reached out to me? Did I do something wrong? She sighed, pushing aside her water and rubbing her sweaty face. Royce needed to tell her something soon or she was going to crack.

She had only seen him twice this week. His normal days were Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the mornings, but this week he had only come in Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. He looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep when she'd seen him last. She remembered his ruffled hair, spiked in the back like he had slept weirdly. She remembered the dark bags under his usually bright eyes and the firmness to his tone when he had ordered only a single, black coffee.

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