Chapter 13

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A/N: Hello my lovelies and happy Tuesday! Is it just me, or was this past week endless? I swear it seemed to drag on forever. Anyway, now it's prime story time and I am *so* excited for you guys to read this week's chapter. Things are starting to get interestinggg--oooo!

Question of the week: Do you have any pets? And if so what are they and what are their names?

I have one dog of my own whose name is Dakota and he is the biggest, cutest, loudest, and most adorable good boy in the world. Don't fight me on this. Because I didn't know what picture to put up this week, I've attached a picture of Dakota instead. Isn't he handsome? c:

Lastly, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow my page. Each vote helps boost my story among the literal thousands of others on Wattpad. The more people that vote when you love a chapter of mine = the more people on Wattpad see my story and start reading it themselves. This makes my story more popular sure, but it also allows me to get feedback so I can make my writing even better and give you guys better stories. So please, if you enjoy reading each chapter, vote and if you have any comments, suggestions, questions, or otherwise, feel free to comment or send me a message. 

Thank you so much for supporting my story and happy reading! (っ◔◡◔)っ

Laina groaned and cracked her back as she leaned back in the wooden dining table chair. She frowned at the textbook splayed open in front of her and dropped her pen in the crease as she shook her hand out. She squinted at the bright light coming from the desk lamp she had set at the edge of the table last night and glanced around to find the rest of the room covered in shadow.

What...time was it?

She normally did her psychology homework in the evenings after work and class, but this last week since she and Finn had met up at the historian's office, she had been distracted from her assignments. All she wanted to do was dig into the article they found and find out more details, get contact information, figure out what to do and where to go next in their search. The last thing on her mind was homework.

As soon as she finished class, she'd stop at the computer lab at the college and do some digging for a few hours. Then she went home, had a meager dinner with Ethan who talked about his construction contract at the college and the progress of it, and Laina listened silently, her mind drifting elsewhere. After pushing food around on her plate for thirty minutes and waiting for Ethan to crack open a beer, she cleared the table and set up the laptop she had rented from the college to keep searching. Her notebook was filled with scribbled notes with arrows, starred items, and highlighted lines scattered throughout its pages. Before she knew it, the sun had dipped, Ethan was heading to bed, and she followed. But she couldn't sleep.

She would toss and turn and fidget between an hour or so of light resting and once she woke back up, she was wide awake. She tried to fight it the first few nights, but after unsuccessfully laying in bed with her eyes wide open, she rolled out from under the sheets, headed downstairs to the table, and turned on her laptop again. She didn't even think about her homework assignments until she realized she had only a few hours before work started.

So here she was, Wednesday morning at--she glanced at the clock on the wall in the kitchen behind her-- 3:00a.m., books, notes, and pages scattered around her, illuminated only by the desk lamp. The windows across the back of the cabin were dark with the night pressing in. It was quiet, peaceful, in the solitary, shadowed room. The only sound, her flipping pages in the textbook, her pen scratching across her homework, and the occasional creak of the wooden chair her butt had grown numb sitting in.

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