Part 18 - Wu Me.

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"Look up."

"Can you see me?"

"No.  You're not real."

"You're nothing without me.  You'll never be."

"You're not real.  Shut up."

"Even you know it."

"Get out of my head.  You're always in my goddamn head."

"Who taught you to speak to your mother like this?"

"I had to teach myself more than you'll ever know."

"That's your father's fault."

"At least my father loved me."

"I said sorry, shouldn't that be enough-"

"I forgave you more times than I should have, shouldn't that be enough?"

"I won't do it again."

"You can't, you're dead.  And you still choose to torment me."

"I never did.  The devil was in me."

"You always said that.  Maybe you should have accepted that you liked feeling in power.  Maybe you should accept that that's why dad left."

"You were always pessimistic."

"You never talked to me enough to know."

"I loved you."

"You loathed me.  Just because two things sound the same doesn't mean they are the same."

"I loved you."

"You thought you loved me."

"No, I loved you."

"I'll never let you win.  Make me go crazy, and I won't let you win."

"I already did."

"Shut the hell-"

"Because you were never enough.  You were a negative, stupid kid, and it was your fault."

"Stop talking to me."

"I would if you stopped answering."


"I love you."

"You were never capable of love.  You're a sick liar.  I wish I was never born, because even that gave you more pride than you deserved.  I hate you."

"I love you."

"Liars can't be lovers."

"You were a liar."

"No, I was honest."

"You lied about how you felt about me."

"You don't deserve to love either, just like me."

"I don't care.  I'll never be like you."

"That's just the thing, my dear Jolene."

"You already are."


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