Fate happens to shine on a young woman who works for the Edinburgh office of Sky TV enterprises, when she sees Adam Driver and his younger sister, Sky, in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, just not far from the Royal Mile.
But with Adam, however he has expe...
It seemed that, a few days after Sky had legally turned 23, it seems even though the divorce was tough, it was tougher for Joanne Tucker, as she started to drink the day she took custody of Phoenix Driver, after the settlement was finalized, the drinking began and then domestic violence started between the mother and son.... She would force the son to do homework or face a beating and bed without any food in him, he cries every night, so that someone next door would take action. To ask Adam Driver's lawyer, Charity T Barnham, to take evidence of this and call Adam about the incident and to remove the boy from Joanne's custody and order a jail sentence for it. As the jail sentence for Joanne ordered that her visitation will be suspended while in jail, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison for the abuse of her own flesh and blood.
Charity Barnham's Point of View:
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I had received a domestic distress call from a neighbor who lived near Brooklyn Heights, that a domestic disturbance occured between a drunken mother and her son. Drake, the neighbor, said to the police and myself, as the police got involved, he said, "I saw some horrible violence inflicted on a helpless 7 year old boy, living with the woman who won custody, after something happened between her and the ex husband, the boy was beaten because he tried to do his homework, but she beat him anyway, thinking all his homework answers were wrong, I checked the work, all his answers were right. It's because she's under the influence of alcohol. She's very drunk. The marks on the boy are inflicted by a belt, a hand and a foot. She's been so horrible." I reply, "she doesn't deserve a kid, arrest her and photograph the Injuries inflicted on the boy, and I will send him to his father on the other side of Brooklyn. He deserves better care." I went over to the scared boy, and say to him gently, "what's your name, son?" He replied, "Phoenix Driver, and who are you?" I replied to Phoenix, "My name is Charity T Barnham, I'm your father's lawyer from when your parents divorced.... I don't understand why your mother done this to you, after you were placed in her care as part of the agreement. As I understand it, your father has someone from Scotland living with him, and I bet she loves kids, I wonder if she'll be a better mom than the one who is supposed to be the role. She loves kids and animals. So I think you'll settle in with her and your father in no time."
Phoenix Driver's Point of View:
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Mom was arrested for what she did to me, and thanks to the kind police department officers, she was jailed without parole, and my live-in custody was permanently stripped from her, and as I understand it, my daddy's lawyer answered the distress call from a neighbor who stopped it all and called the NYPD. I don't want anything to do with My deadbeat mom anymore. So this lawyer introduced herself as a Charity T Barnham. And she asked me to be photographed by the police for the evidence of physical abuse and violence inflicted on me, and she asked me to come with her, so I can be dropped off at my father's house, I am glad to get out of the house of violence. I hope that Daddy and his sister are much kinder than... Her. I also read something that daddy has someone new in his life. I hope that she's nice too. Mrs Barnham took me to her office to make a few calls, one to Judge Miranda Powers, for to hand custody to my daddy, and to strip my deadbeat mom of custody, and then once that is over, I'll be living with dad.
3rd Person Point of View:
Charity has now taken Phoenix from the house, and took him to her office, and she gave him a blue ribboned teddy bear to play with, and she sat at her desk and typed up an email to the top ranked judge of the New York sheriff court, Miranda Powers, who quickly replied and put the time of child handover court to Charity, and then she sent it to her assistant, Xavier Travis to file.
Xavier Travis' Point of View:
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I saw little Phoenix in my employer's office and boy he's adorable. I offer him a cookie and a pure orange juice in a juice box. He happily takes them and eats with a quiet demeanor, as Charity and I talk. The little guy is Adam's double. Charity says to me, "schedule a court day letter and send it to Miranda. And find my client, Adam Driver's file, and we can get it, and I can phone him, regarding the matter, and talk to him with a judge and get custody of little Pheonix removed from Joanne and sign custody over to his father.
Judge Miranda Powers Point of View:
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I received an email from Adam Driver's lawyer, Charity T Barnham, I was so in a state of shock, of what the judge at the divorce settlement judge did, she signed Pheonix to the wrong person, now I must rectify this by signing over custody of Phoenix Driver to his father and his family..... The rightful child custodians of Pheonix should be Leona and Adam. Adam is a kind Gentlemen.... I heard that he got a Scottish actress for a fiancée now.... She's a lucky lady to have a great man like Adam. I also heard from internet press that she loves kids and animals too. Poor little guy never deserved that hurt and abuse from his biological mom. Also when he was signed over to his mother, she denied him food, and fun, so I'll correct the problem that a new judge made.
Charity Barnham's Point of View:
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After I called Miranda, she made a decision to pull a jury together, and I got to calling Adam. I ask one thing of him. Rather than calling him, I'll go to his house to summon him to the child custody department of the New York sheriff court. First I need to tell him in person. So I drive to his address, his sister, Sky should be at work today, so I can catch Adam and speak with him about the issue that has arisen.