Fate happens to shine on a young woman who works for the Edinburgh office of Sky TV enterprises, when she sees Adam Driver and his younger sister, Sky, in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, just not far from the Royal Mile.
But with Adam, however he has expe...
A few days later, on a walk in Central Park with the puppies, Leona and Adam are enjoying time with each other, they're so adorable sitting together on a park bench while the cutest little pups play. As Leona and Adam sat together, lovingly looking at each other, who should prop along but some of Leona's old friends who were duelists from the Yu-Gi-Oh universe. Let's have one of them explain.
Jesse Anderson's Point of View:
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I bought some friends from my world to the real world, to a bustling American state city park, known as Central Park, we must be in New York City. My name's Jesse. Yes we're all characters from a hit animé called Yu-Gi-Oh. I have a hunch that a friend of ours is here and happier, you see she came from Scotland before she came to New York. She's a WWE hero duelist. That is her deck, the W-Hero Spellcaster and warrior deck. Even Jaden cannot defeat her. She always has the Raw arena field spell card, and she always play it first, then that's when and only when she special summon her WWE wrestling monsters while the spell remains active on the duel field.
Then I saw the WWE Deck holder in the park, with a very handsome gentleman sitting on the park bench together snuggling together, I bought my friends over, and I saw dogs running around the park playing with the other dogs nicely. So I politely go up to her, I recognize her because of her eyes. Her hairs different now. Shorter and darker than before. She sees me when she looks up. "Jesse? Is that you?" She asked and the gentleman next to her asks, "is he an old friend of yours, my queen?" And she replies, "yes he is, I think he's not alone though.... He's a duel monsters player, I play only once in a blue moon now." He nods and asks if he could watch me and her Duke it out in a friendly duel.
Adam Driver's Point of View:
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I knew Leona has friends in different areas, animé, us, actors and all.... But she's a female Duel Monsters championship duelist.... And I'm lucky to be marrying her soon... Jesse and his friends came to New York Central Park to find her, and that's when I saw she had friends from a animé as well. The young man and his friends came to me, and I say to him in an introduction, "my name is Adam Driver, may I ask who you are, young ones?" Jesse Anderson and his friends introduce themselves as Jesse, Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba, Yugi Moto, Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler, Serenity Wheeler, Jaden Yuki and Yusei Fudo. They all seemed nice, possible friends for my son, as Leona knows them so well.