Fate happens to shine on a young woman who works for the Edinburgh office of Sky TV enterprises, when she sees Adam Driver and his younger sister, Sky, in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, just not far from the Royal Mile.
But with Adam, however he has expe...
With Edinburgh dealt with on the tour of 3 of the major historical cities Leona had planned, and the members of the BAU chosen their rooms, the time has come to take the tour of Scotland to City no.2, Stirling. She hired a bus to take everyone to Stirling for the next part of the Scottish history tour. Meridith Grey's Point of View:
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With Leona and her knowledge of Scottish history is brilliant, I think after the tour of Stirling, her intelligence quotent should be tested, I think hers could be higher than mine.... I say to Sky, "I think that this calls for Leona's IQ to be tested... I think that her IQ score could be higher than mine..." Cristina already knew Leona's IQ score. She told me, "because of autism, her IQ score is 219, no wonder she is smarter than average." So that explains her high knowledge of Scottish history, and Science... An IQ score that high, she is so gifted... And artistic apparently.... Wait, I think Adam has took our guide for the tour, and I think he was ready to cry again, but he said he would have to tell Leona why he's been upset of late. Let's leave them be, they've went to the little coffee shop, let's hear it from Adam's Point of View...
Adam Driver's Point of View:
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I took our tour guide, Leona, to the café espresso in the Stirling city centre. Picture below.
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I decided to tell her about the second, and most painful part of my heartbreak, Spencer saw I had tears in my eyes, the quicker I tell her, the better... And the sooner I tell her, we can get on with the Scottish history tour of Stirling. "Like you told me last night, Adam, I can comfort you if telling me about the heartbreak you have, I am willing to listen to your pain, like you have done with me.... Just let it all out, Adam, you'll feel better if you do..." Leona says to me, and I let my tears spill a bit, and I reply, "loosing Moose was just half of my sadness, Leona. The other part is a lot worse... My relationship with Joanne didn't work out, she often start arguments with me, I tired to be diplomatic, but she didn't listen to me, the fights got really bad... Then she had enough of it all, and she filed for divorce, she took my apartment too, at Brooklyn Heights.... So she packed me up, and threw me out, awaiting the divorce settlement. I got Moose of course, but I knew he didn't have much time on Earth left.... So.... I saw Sky, my sister in in the mall, and she took me in to her quaint little home, and she has tried to calm me down... And I just kept Crying in my sleep every night.... Then after the divorce settlement was finalized, 3 days later, I found Moose lifeless, and I knew his.... Time was up.... Then sky suggested that we go to Scotland on vacation and scatter Moose's ashes in a park in a Scottish city. And that's when we met you. I'm glad we did." My tears got the better of me, and Leona begins to order coffee for both of us, and she scoots close to me and comforts me.... I knew that her kindness is unfailing, in her eyes, she sees what I'm going through, and it reminded her of her own grief from losing her family growing up. I'm glad I told her now. That's that off my chest... She can share my burden.... She's so beautiful and kind. We finish coffee and rejoined the guys for to start the next part of the Scottish history tour.... "You ok now Adam? Glad to get the sadness off your chest?" Derek asked me, and I replied, "much better, I realized how kind our host Leona had been to me, the moment we set foot in Edinburgh... She must taken that from her late mother... Oh sorry, Leona. Oh crap. Hang on." I accidentally mentioned her mother, and she started to cry herself. I don't know if she's still up for giving us the tour of Stirling... She healed enough to begin the tour with a famous bridge that was a battlefield in 1297 I think. We got to the bus and I sat with Leona, just so I can keep her company and also from shedding any more tears... We finally got to Stirling Bridge.... I'm going to let Leona explain.