Fate happens to shine on a young woman who works for the Edinburgh office of Sky TV enterprises, when she sees Adam Driver and his younger sister, Sky, in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, just not far from the Royal Mile.
But with Adam, however he has expe...
As Phoenix is at home with his rightful custodians, he could not be any happier than he was now, and he can't wait to meet his new extended family, and the cute little puppies that live with his family, including Leona's Rottweiler puppies, Rey, Luke and Bruno.
Then everyone comes home from their plans on the asking of Adam and Leona to meet their son.
Everyone comes and....
Sky Snyder's Point of View:
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Oh my gosh, I just walked in the door with Spencer and in the lounge, was Adam and Leona, but they were not alone... I saw a little boy with them! He's my brother's double, he's just adorable... Wait a minute, that's my brother's son! He told me about him once, and I never once asked for his name... Now is my chance. I say to him, "my name is aunty Sky, who are you, little guy?" He replied, "my name is Phoenix. Yes I'm your brother's biological son. So that makes you my maternal Aunt?" I nod and he hugs me gently, and I have a nephew to look after now.
Domhnall Gleeson's Point of View:
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When Daisy and I came around to Adam's home, on a special invitation from Adam himself, Leona and Adam had a little boy with them... The little guy recognises me right away, and Daisy as well, he said, "my name's Phoenix, there's no need to tell me who you guys are, you're Domhnall Gleeson and Daisy Ridley, the pair who bought Rey Palpatine and General Hux to life on Star Wars! Are you friends of my father and stepmother?" I kneel down to his level, and reply, "we are, little buddy, your father and I played very convincing baddies didn't we?" He nods in excitement.
Daisy Ridley's Point of View:
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