Chapter 23

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(AN hello do you think I should bring sun from sun and moon to the story let me know :)
As I walk to the meeting I see others come to it to. When we get in there mr goodshow starts "you all know why we are here. The resurgence of team rocket has been very quick and hard. They go for strong trainers after a battle when they are alone so we should make a buddy system. Also they are using strong Pokémon not grunt Pokémon, Pokémon like Hoondooms and other strong Pokémon so it's worrying how little we can do to stop them." I think for a bit with everyone else, then it hit me "mr goodshow what about this we have them capture 1 person who they would not expect to be working it's the league and let them be captured and then we have them spy on them" everyone starts thinking about it then lance states his worry's "but what if it goes wrong and they are stuck there getting hurt, also no matter what it would be very dangerous and if they get hurt the league will take the blame and people will not be happy and it would be bad for us and good for team rocket" then mr goodshow say "so far that's the best we have but we need to leave so no one gets suspicious and finds out about this" we nod and leave but I think but is the risk of hurting someone greater then team rocket taking over. I think about that on the way to the room...
(AN now should I send someone into team rocket or play it out without sending someone out into danger :)

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