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"But I'm scared."

"I know but you have you come clean eventually, it can't stay a secret forever. How would you feel if your friends had a secret but they never told you?"

"I hate that you're right."

"I lub you too penguin."

"Lub you too cutie, thank you"

"Your welcome."

Ever since Michael and Calum saw the messages between Lissy and I they have been looking and acting around me weirdly. I felt so terrible lying to them but I didn't want them to know this about me; hell they don't even know I like One Direction, let alone have an blog dedicated towards them.

I eventually decided to come clean to them and tell them about me and Lissy, and Tumblr, and One Direction. It took a lot of persuading by Lissy, but I finally grew the balls to do.

"Hey Calum, could you and Michael come over?" I asked as soon as Calum picked up the phone.

"Um sure, why?" He answered sounding confused.

"Doesn't matter right now, bye." I rushed before hanging up.

It's actually happening. I am finally going to tell them want is going on between me and Lissy, and maybe they could help me.

Soon they knocked on the door, I slowly walked to the door silently going through what I'm going to say.

I led them into my bedroom after we got snacks and told them to sit down.

"Guys I need to tell you stuff because I feel so bad keeping from you." I said quickly, catching my breath.

"Uh okay?" They both said in unison.

"Basically, you know you saw those messages between me and that girl well her name is Lissy and we have been talking for a bit over a month. I met here on a site called Tumblr as we both have One Direction blogs, yes I have a One Direction blog but they are awesome and Niall is very hot. Lissy is from New York and it's really hard to talk to her sometimes, but we make it work, I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd think she's some fifty year old pedophile. Shes sixteen and is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I told them slowly. They looked shocked but then both came and hugged me.

"Hey mate that's so cool, at least you get girls even if they are thousands of miles away." Michael said pulling away.

"Yeah do you have any pictures of her?" Calum asked curiously.

"Not that kind but I do have pictures." I replied getting out my phone.

I showed them the picture of her smiling on FaceTime.

"Aw she's so cute." Michael practically cooed.

"Yeah but shes my cutie, keep your red hair the hell away from her." I warned him.

When they left I only had to tell my parents then I would be okay. I was more nervous to tell them, but I kind of already knew they'd be okay with.

I was going to tell them during dinner as I could make a quick get away. I was mentally preparing a different speech as my friends aren't my parents.

When I was called down for dinner I suddenly got very scared, thinking all the worst scenarios in my head. I sat down at the table and started fiddling with my jumper sleeve thoughts running marathons in my mind.

"So son how was school?" My father asked in a posh voice.

He was extremely posh compared to my Mother and I, always talking in a posh tone. He was chief executive at a major Australian company, and took his work very seriously. He was really keen to get me into a sporting career as once when I was five I told him I wanted to be a footballer; big mistake. He took me to all these training sessions which I ended up hating, but I still love the sport.

"Erm... It was okay apart from I nearly got in trouble for something I didn't do." I replied, wanting to just say what I needed to.

"And what was that?" My Mum asked shocked.

"Police found drugs at a party last week and everyone said they were mine, I didn't even go." I said quickly. "Anyway I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay son." My Dad said solemnly.

"Okay well I go on this site called Tumblr it's great and I have a One Direction blog, yes they are an amazing band and Niall is really hot. But through the site I met a girl called Alicia or Lissy from New York. I honestly love her, and I think I am in love with her but I don't want to take advantage of her. She is sixteen and is going through a hard time but I help her, but I don't think it's enough." I told them quietly.

"That's so nice, is that who I caught you saying how much you love her?" My Mum asked curiously.

"Yeah." I said. "Are you okay with this though? Me talking to her."

I could tell the look on my Dads fade but my Mum gave him a look.

"Ugh... Fine." My Dad said reluctantly.

"Thank you, thank you." I grinned, nearly hugging him.

After dinner I went upstairs and showered before looking it and putting in a bag to send, then got my phone and went to bed.

Lissy: G'night x

Lukey: Night x

AN: He finally told his parents and friends :)

Please prepare for the next chapter, major feels ahead :oooooo

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