Chapter 1

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Jake's POV

With the band competition only a few weeks away, we had little time to prep for it. Hailey had decided it was best to have me come over to her place to work on some songs. Of course, Zander was very opposed to this. I still remember what he said when Hailey had suggested it.


Yeah he didn't take it well. Fortunately Luke was able to calm him down, and he reluctantly agreed to let me into their house, on the condition that I stay away from the instruments, and try not to break anything. I remember a time where Milly pushed me and I knocked down Zander's keyboard. The look on his face was priceless. Although he did give me a jab in the stomach, though it didn't hurt as much as Milly's which feel like battering rams.

I come across a big house that almost looks like a mansion but smaller, with a brick wall that goes up a little bit past my waist. It took me by surprise when I read the address off the paper she gave me. "2546 Havaski this is her house." I shrugged and looked at the note on the metal gate.

Jake, reach over the gate, and twist the knob from the other side, the front knob is jammed -Hailey

I looked at the note so perfectly written. "She's got really nice handwriting." I say and take the note, fold it, and place it into my pocket and walk down the stone pavement to the front door, and I ring the doorbell. I look over to my right and at the window I see a pair of light purple eyes looking at me with deadly intent. I back up as I swallow my saliva thickly. The door opens and I and immediately my eyes avert to her silky aqua green hair. As the door opens my eyes move as hers, raven black yet so sparkly begin to appear slowly as the door opens.

"Oh- Jake." She says with a straight face. The rest of the door opens to reveal her wearing a pair of denim shorts that go to a little above the knee, and a pink T that says "Anna Blue" in a fancy white font.

"Oh um- Hey Hailey!" I wait for her to stand back and I casually walk inside to an enormous living room.

"Damn, this place is big!"

"What did you expect?" I hear a sour voice from behind me and Hailey. I turn around to see Zander in his usual attire. Dark pants with overalls, and a purple polo and tie.

"Oh well, I wasn't expecting anything really, I just came to write songs" I said hesitantly, putting on a nervous smile. Hailey looked at me and softly smiled. Amused at my situation knowing that Zander wants to intimidate me the best he can. It won't surprise me if he's got a sword in another room that has my name on it.

"Remember what I said. Got it?" His eyes menacingly squint and I back up slightly terrified.

"Y-yeah yeah. Don't touch anything, and stay away from the instruments" I stutter.

"Jake, come on." Hailey walks into the living room and I follow her. Zander eyes me as I change rooms. Well, here we go I guess. Gosh I wonder if this was a bad idea, or a horrible one.

Hailey leads me to a room with many instruments. Drums, Guitars, a keyboard and Piano, a bit overboard if you ask me. I mean seriously does Hailey play all of this?

"This is the music room where I get a lot of my inspiration. I tend to write songs in an environment of music, and if i need to test something I can easily access the instruments." She explains as she shows me the room.

"What are these weird foam things on the wall?" I say as I touch it. They are aligned in this weird pattern. Looks cool though.

"Those are sound insulators, they keep the sound in this room from leaking out." She says sitting down on a desk.

"Gosh, you guys really are into music huh?" I say looking around the room at the patterns of the room. And then I see a poster. "Anna blue?" I say aloud.

"Oh yeah, she's just a German singer I like to listen to sometimes." She says getting up from the desk and sitting down on a chair. She gestures to me to sit in the chair next to her and I walk over and sit. "German singer? You are into german songs?"

"Ugh no~" She laughs softly. "I said she's German I didn't say she sings German songs."

"Well what's anyone gonna assume if you say German singer?" I retort

"Whatever" She says smiling softly. "You're such a dork." I think quite recently Hailey has gotten use to me. Before whatever smile she had when i walk in the room it would immediately fade to disappointment. Now she actually jokes around with me, I don't think that means she trusts me fully, but its nice to know she's treating me like a friend. At least i hope.

The next chapter is a lot longer and contains more Jailey

Words Not Spoken (Jake x Hailey) || The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now