One night stand

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This fanfic is for a friend, for anyone that is confused.
⚠️Lemon Warning⚠️

I sipped my drink while nodding my head to beat of the music ,next to me was Taylor. I was undercover trying to find the leader of the league of villains. I was at this for about a week or two ,but I was getting nothing. Taylor saved my life ,she said I could stick with her ,I told her I was a cop and she agreed to help me ,she never agreed with any of the things the villains where doing. I looked around scanning the room before a mint blue haired man caught my attention, he wore a suit with no tie his dress shirt having two buttons undone. He sipped some of the whiskey he had in a small glass in his hands ,before his red eyes met mine. I quickly turned shivers going down my spin.

What was that ,I blushed was I just checking that guy out? Focus maybe I'm just a bit tipsy ,nudging Taylor's arm she turned toward me on the stool she sat on. "Who's the blue haired ,guy. He looks important." She looked over her shoulder, "Oh Mr.Shigaraki....... you shouldn't get involved with him ,he's dangerous." She warned while taking her last shot before turning the stool she sat on around away from the bar,"He's coming over ,that's your cue to leave." She mumbled before fixing her tie. "Sir ,your earlier then expected." She checked her watch while approaching him ,"Well how could I be late.........." I could feel his eyes on me ,"And who's this lovely lady?" I turned getting up he was way taller then me.

I flashed a smile at him ,"This is my friend Rubi." Taylor answered softly ,"Well Rubi ,I'm Shigaraki. Hope your enjoying yourself." He smirked ,while putting out his hand going for a hand shake. I put my hand out before he grabbed it gently and put up to his lips ,gently planting a light kiss on the back of my palm. I felt my face grow hot ,looking away in embarrassment. He smirked teasingly while letting my hand go ,Taylor glared at me as Shigaraki walked away. "You should go ,I'm security for today so I'll be here all night." She dug in her pocket and slid out the key card to her hotel room. "Don't go snoop'in around here Rubi ,cuz I'm not gonna be there to help you." She warned in a low voice ,before waving farewell and following Shigaraki into a room. It was a private one with silky burgundy curtains at the entrance.

I sighed ,how did she expect me not to figure out what was going on around here ,I had to figure out who was in that room with Shigaraki. I bit my lip ,gesturing the bartender over I order a few more drinks.

~Time Skip~

It was late I think ,maybe one or two in the morning. The club was empty and I was drunk ,really drunk. I should have took Taylor's advice dammit, I walked into the bathroom. I could feel my gut squeeze as the drinks from earlier came up.

After puking I stumbled out of the stall, going towards the sinks and cutting on the water. And then noticed the guy from earlier, my head throbbed as I hiccuped. He glared at me, "Why are you in the girls bathroom *hiccup* Y-You perv." I giggled lightly while leaning against the sink suddenly losing my balance. "Funny ,I thought this was the Men's." He chuckled lightly ,I suddenly tripped on air ,and then he caught me unsurprisingly. My hands where on his chest, as my face grew even hotter then it already was. "S-Sorry." I mumbled as he helped me up ,then the sink he washed his hands in caught my attention. There was little a dark red substance on the sinks handle ,maybe I was just hallucinating. I could feel his damp finger touch my chin making me look back up at him. "You here all by yourself?" His raspy voice asked ,his gaze nearly threatening. I hesitated not being able to think straight I answered in a shaky voice "Yeah." Leaning on the counter ,I cut on the sinks water and washed out my mouth.

"You need a ride?" He asked suddenly, I wiped water off of the sides of my mouth with a napkin. I couldn't tell if this guy was being nice or trying to kidnap me ,but it's not like I wasn't a literal cop undercover and I had a quirk. I didn't think I could get tooken down to easily ,so we left took a cab I told him the hotel that Taylor's keycard went to. But when we got there I realized I didn't have the key card on me ,shit. I must have left it in the bathroom ,"Hey ,Mr.shigaraki I um........ Don't know where my card is *hiccup* sorry I c-caused you all this trouble." I apologized with a small pout ,he sighed and we went back down to the lobby. "You can stay in mine." I looked up at him a bit surprised, why was this guy being so nice to me? I was embarrassed but I was also still pretty drunk.

He helped me into his room ,he was quite since we left the lobby. He let me take a shower and by then I was pretty close to sober ,but not fully. I had to find something on this guy anything, I dried my hair. Then realizing that I didn't have any clean clothes ,I put on the white robe that hung on the bathrooms door. Unlocking the door I peeked out to see Shigaraki sitting on the bed on the phone. He seemed irritated, "Dabi make sure they get here before the boss finds out." He growled hanging up the phone while sliding his fingers through his hair ,before getting up unbuttoning his shirt. Then undoing his pants I blushed hard while quickly closing the door. I let out a light breath knowing damn well that he heard me just now ,how am I supposed to go out there? It's to embarrassing. After a moment I finally got enough courage to open the door ,"Mr.Shigaraki I don't have any clean clothes ,so is it ok if I where one your robes........." He had a white button down shirt on now and navy blue trousers. "It's fine." He said bluntly, I bit my lip in anxiety while checking the time on my phone ,3AM. I texted Taylor for the fifth time in a row and put my phone back down on the dresser.

"Are you about to leave?" I asked while sitting down on the edge of the huge hotel bed. "I was........... Rubi?" I looked towards him as he walked toward a small coffee table that had a bottle of whiskey and four empty whiskey glasses on it. "Would you like to have a couple more drinks with me?" He glared at me as I blushed while nodding.

After I had three cups of straight whiskey, he didn't seem to drink as much. "Where you just trying to get me drunk?"I asked with a drunk giggle ,I laid flat on my back in the middle of the king sized bed. "You act as if you don't want me to get you drunk ,you make up an excuse to get into my hotel room. And you're laying in my bed with nothing but a robe on." He teased ,I flustered hard. While sitting up and looking at him ,he glared at me before putting down the empty glass cup. And crawling on the bed towards me ,I caught my breath as he got close leaning over me. "Don't act so surprised." He leaned in slowly ,his eye's slowly going down to my lips. My face felt so hot I nearly began to feel light headed ,his lips gently pressed against mine. I suddenly couldn't think straight as my hands wandered, I unbuttoned his shirt slowly. He slid his tongue into my mouth the taste of whiskey was faded with the background taste of mint.

He was surprisingly a great kisser. Breaking the kiss saliva created a bridge between us. Kissing up my jaw ,he licked my ear with his hot tongue as I shivered. His shirt was now fully unbuttoned, exposing his chest and stomach. I felt his hand creeping up my thigh ,continuing his kisses down my neck and collar bone. I felt him tug on the robe as it loosened, I let out soft whimpers of pleasure. Covering my face with my arms he suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me up ,causing me to sit on his lap. I grabbed his shoulders trying to keep my balance for I was already dizzy from drinking. I blushed noticing how close we where all of a sudden ,"Y-You can't just change position like that ,it's embarrassing." I mumbled while looking away from him ,he chuckled lightly before leaning into my ear. "Embarrassing? That's cute......." nibbling on my ear teasingly I shivered then feeling the huge bulge in his pants press against me ,I stared at it for a moment. Shigaraki started grinding it against my clit ,I shivered while letting out a light groan.

My body being so much more sensitive because of the alcohol, I leaned over his shoulder. "I can feel how wet you are from threw my pants." He grunted out his raspy voice oddly soothing to hear ,I panted lightly. Then undoing his pants without thinking, I pulled out his member it was bigger then I imagined. I laid down on the bed and licked the tip. I continued to lick all over his member ,he chuckled "That's not how you do it........" I glared up at him and then pulled all of him into my mouth, his cheeks turned to a light pink as he let out a soft growl of pleasure. After sucking him for a while my jaw started to cramp up so I crawled back on top of him.

I pressed his against my entrance "C-Can you put it in now?" I asked eagerly while glaring up at him with pleading eyes ,he blushed before pinning me down on the bed. He quickly dug in the hotel's drawer and pulled out a condom with a capital L on it. I stared up at him as flustered as ever ,why was he so fucking hot?

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