First kiss?

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[Tamaki x Mirio]

"Morning Tamaki!" Mirio exclaimed as soon as Tamaki took his seat at his desk ,nodding lightly with a light blush he pulled out his phone to put it on silent. "So what you bring for lunch today?" Mirio asked as he did every day. "Same old stuff." Tamaki said anxiously. "Well today is going to be a great day." Mirio's sudden excitment baught Tamaki's attention, as he stared at him waiting for him to tell him why. "My parents are out of town soooooo, I was gonna invite all my friends over." He said while pointing finger guns at Tamaki, he shook his head in cringe. "I'm not going." Tamaki mumbled lightly while looking towards the class rooms board. "Oh, why not?" Mirio whined with a light pout.

"To many people." Mirio bit his lip ,"Fine ,then it'll just be me and you ,like old times. And I'll invite everyone else another day." Looking back towards him in surprise ,he just switched up his entire schedule just because Tamaki told him he would be uncomfortable. Feeling bad before Tamaki could tell Mario he didn't have to class started. Everybody quickly got in there seats as class began.

~Time skip~

During lunch Tamaki tried to build enough courage to deny Mario's offer from earlier, but couldn't bring himself to do so. Nejiri made him break out of his thoughts ,as she threw her arm over his shoulder suddenly. He jumped startled ,and realizing who it was he calmed himself. "Hey ,Tamaki!" He smiled lightly "Hi." She smile while sitting beside him at one of the cafeteria tables. Sitting at the table together alone Nejiri did most of the talking as always ,before suddenly seemed to caught his attention. "You've seemed distracted this whole time ,what's wrong?" She asked while glaring at him. Tilting his head down towards his lap ,"Well Mirio invited me to his house for a small hang out ,but he completely changed his plans when I said I wasn't going. He said there was only going to be me and him."

He looked up at her but she smiled at him reassuringly as if she had already had the conclusion to this situation. "Mirio is full of surprises ,but you shouldn't be upset about this think about it ,he does this all the time goes out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable. He really cares about you ,just go over to his house and tell him how you feel about when he does things like this." She said it so casually, as if it was that easy for him.

Before he knew it ,the day was over and the evening slowly went into the night for a weekend to start as soon as the sun setted. He walked with Mirio to his house ,blocking out the small talk Mirio had with him ,as Tamaki practiced the words he was going to say in his head.

Sitting in his room stiffly ,his room seemed the same as it was when they were younger. The posters looked old and his room was way more messy then Tamaki expected. Mirio took a quick shower while Tamaki finished the last of his studies.

Tamaki got up from Mirio's desk chair noticing an old picture of them when they were in grade school. Picking up the picture as soon as he approached it ,he smiled. That was the first time he had ever went out with a friend ,putting the picture down lightly. He blushed ,not being able to believe that Mirio had kept the picture for all those years. Not paying attention he tripped over a skateboard that laid in the middle of the floor ,but before he could fall. Mirio caught him ,Tamaki looked up to see his savior still had nothing but a towel on ,his hair damp wet. Flustering hard he quickly pushed Mirio away ,"Are you ok?" Mirio asked with genuine concern. "No."

Tamaki mumbled he was finally ready to talk to him ,just as Nejiri told him. Letting down a big gulp he forced himself to blurt out ,"I-I ,I'm tired of you treating me like a kid!" Mirio stared in a light shock while and confusion. "Y-You treat me like a child ,when you should have just let me fall when I tripped. You didn't have to change your weekend plans just so I could come ,I'm not that important....... so stop." He gripped onto his shaking body ,hugging himself as he tried to calm his nerves. "I- I'm sorry......... I had no idea ,I thought I was doing everything right." He mumbled while stepping towards his anxious friend ,holding him close Tamaki's shaking stopped.

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